The Knock Up Stream!//Chapter 77

Start from the beginning

"Yup!" Luffy replied with a grin in place.

"Sure, people might laugh, calling it an absurd fantasy, but so what!?" Cricket looked like he was having the time of his laugh as he thought about the adventure the crew would go on. With that, he threw his fists in the air and started laughing in pure joy.


Faythe's eyes widened slowly, as a grin slowly made it's way up her face. The quote felt like it made her want to fight any man that said doubted his dream.

"Romantic, huh!" Luffy thought about what he said.

"That's right!" They could see and gratifying grin cross his face, "Thanks... For getting back my gold..! Now don't you go falling out of the sky!"

"SHISHISHISHI!" Luffy could only laugh at the old man's somehwat worry for them, "SEE YA, MISTER!"

"Thanks for everything, Mr. Cricket!"

"I'm sure the city of gold exists!"



Faythe then cupped her mouth to get a louder volume, "MAKE SURE TO READ THE LETTER, CRICKET MAN! IT'S IMPORTANT!"

Cricket paused mid wave, his face contorting in confusion, "Wha-. What letter??"

Some of the crewmates looked at her confused.

"What letter, Faythe?" Usopp wondered out as he walked over to her.

Faythe looked up at him with a sly grin, "Just gaining myself a new purchaser and pen pal."


Nami came rushing over at the word 'Purchaser'. She gave the red head a tight hug out of joy, "You always seem to sneak in a little cash for the road, every time we leave places huh!?" She giggled.

"You betcha! AND he'll be able to read our great adventure to the sky island and know how incredible it is!" She smiled in excitement.

The crew could only smile at the thought of Cricket and his monkey followers reading about the adventures to Skypiea.

Robin chuckled, "I'm sure he would be most happy to read it."

"RIGHT!?" Faythe continued her scribbling in her pages as the rest went about their ways.


"Listen up! It's 7 in the morning right now! It'll be around 11 by the time we get to our destination."

"Like our boss said, The Knock-Up Stream changes location every time, so we'll have to quickly search for it's location as soon as we arrive there."

"Now since we're a little behind schedule... Hey!" Shoujou glared down at the playing pirates that were messing with the Southbird. Luffy had it's head twisted to the side, "Look, look!" He let go of the head and it whipped towards South like it was supposed to, "It turned back around!" Luffy laughed at it.

"That sure is one weird bird." Usopp chuckled at the bird as it started having a fit.

Luffy was still laughing, "It really can't face any other direction than South! It's like a compass!"

The Southbird was now just squawking out it's queer call as it seemed to lose it's patience with the pirates around it.

Usopp looked to Chopper who was observing the other two mess around, "What did it say?"

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