"You'll be rewarded. Soon enough." That smile returns, my teeth gritting in response.

Pushing back, the sound of my chair dragging across the floor echoes through the room. Hale's steady gaze follows me as I approach him, not stopping until he pulls his chair back and faces me.

"I get that you're probably used to thousands of people wanting you to fuck them, or touch them, or get them off, but you have me here, right now, begging you," I insist.

Any sense of shame has officially departed.

He looks over me. "I'm not punishing you, Vaela."

"It feels like you are."

"You'll see why I'm making you wait soon enough." He turns away. Conversation over, for now.

I spend the rest of the day avoiding him. I can't so much as glance in his direction without either getting unreasonably angry, or without wanting to get on my knees before him.

He doesn't so much as glance suggestively in my direction the entire day. In fact, his indifferent façade never falters, although I don't embarrass myself trying to convince him any further. He has made it clear he isn't going to relent until he feels inclined.

Now, all I want to do is crawl into my bed, and hide under the covers until sleep mercifully sweeps me away.

Or I'll deal to the problem Hale refuses to fix.

Hale clearing his throat from the other side of the room has me pausing, fingers brushing against my bedroom doorknob.

"Come here," he quietly commands.

I turn, folding my arms over my chest as I glare toward him with all the ire I can manage. "Why?"

He doesn't flinch. "Come here, Vaela."

"What is it?" I exhale through my nose. I'm not in the mood for anymore teasing. My body feels like a tightly wound band, ready to snap at any moment.

"You've done so well. Let me give you your release." He gestures with his finger for me to come closer, but I remain rooted in my spot, eyes narrowing upon him.

"Maybe I don't want it anymore."

His brows raise. "Really?"

It's painfully obvious how badly I want it, to the both of us. And it's even more clear how Hale isn't going to give it to me until I ask him for it, which right now, I'm not ready to do, willing to cling to the lasting scraps of my dignity as long as possible.

"Mmhm. I'm over it."

As dismissive as I'm being, I'm not opening my door to retreat. I'm holding my ground, but I'm anticipating Hale's approach.

We stand in silence for a long moment, before he eventually starts toward me, never releasing me from the intensity of his gaze.

I could back into my room and lock the door behind me, but instead, I merely stand, watching as he casually strolls closer, hands seated in his pockets.

Swallowing drily, I brace myself for the overwhelming impact of his scent, of his power. It has me pressing painfully against the door, has my limbs shaking uneasily.

Hale shrugs, pausing just short of our feet touching. "Okay, sure."

"My fingers are capable of doing your job"

"Is that right?"

I nod numbly, entranced. His gaze drops my mouth, taking another step closer, until he is almost touching me. Almost.

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