Chapter 18 - Good Morning!

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You saw white everywhere. Were you dead?
Were you alive? Where were you? You looked around you and this place seemed to have no end to it, you kept walking and walking trying to find your way around. Your eyes caught something. When realization got to you, your eyes widened, tears falling down your eyes as you stared at the figure, smiling sweetly at you.

"Shin?" Before he passed, you two had gotten extremely close. You were always getting into trouble and he was always there to patch you up. He showed you how to fix motorcycles, and how to ride them too. You were always grateful to have him and sometimes even went over to the Sano residence just to see him. He was like a brother to you, and you were like a sister to him. Oh how you missed helping him fix bikes at his shop. You ran to him, but you didn't seem to get any closer. Your heart was beating faster and faster, it was hurting.

"Why can't I reach you?" You yelled "Please come back! Don't leave me please." You then stopped as you tried to catch your breath. You looked in front of you and a few feet away from you there he was, smiling at you. "Am I dead, Shin?" You asked. "Hmm, no. You're currently standing at the border between life and death." He replied. "You see that line there, that's the border separating you from me." Shin added as he pointed to the faint line on the floor infront of you. You looked down at it and was about to cross it, you wanted to see him so badly. "Wait, stop!" He spoke. "Huh? Why?" You asked panicking. "If you step over that line, then you really won't be able to return to Mikey and the
others" Shinichiro explained. "Do you really want to leave them y/n?" Shin further added, as he had a small smile on his face.

"What do you mean? Do you have any idea
how much I missed you, it hurts not seeing you everyday. Mikey needs you Shin." You said as tears were flowing down your face. "But i'm always with you both" Shin replied. "y/n,  please think about this carefully. Once you step over, you will never be able to return" He spoke. You couldn't help but stare at him, as your heart ached. Did you want to leave them?
Could you leave them? You need them as
much as they need you, right? Shinichiro watched you, he didn't want you to come with him. He knew how much the others need you.

"y/n, go back to them, for me" Shin spoke as he smiled at you. "You don't belong here. So go back and wake up, they are waiting for you right now." He further added.

"Just remember one thing. I will always watch over you and Mikey. I am always with you both, so don't worry about me anymore. Go back to them" said Shinichiro. You slowly wiped your tears, you looked at him and smiled. "Take care of yourself, I'm going back to them" You stated. Then you could see him getting farther and farther away from you, until he disappeared.

You slowly opened your eyes, you were met
with white, it was a room. You felt pain all
over. You looked around the room until you
felt something holding your hand. You looked down at the person and there you saw Mikey, peacefully sleeping. You looked at his face carefully, you noticed how pale he looked. Was he not taking care of himself?

You slowly moved your hand and gently
stroked his hair. He felt something touching his hair, so he slowly opened his eyes and looked up, with his eyes widening. "y/n?" "Good morning!" you spoke. Mikey then jolted up and he stared at you in shock. Was he dreaming? Were you really awake? He gently caresses your cheek, to make sure he wasn't dreaming, and he wasn't. Mikey had tears flowing down his face. "Please don't ever scare us like that. My heart can't take it y/n." He said between sniffles. "I'm sorry." You answered, it was hard since you had an oxygen mask on.
"Let me go and get the doctor!" Mikey stood up, then stormed out of the room and then
came back with your doctor. Your doctor was so pleased to see you alive and well.

The others were on their way to your room. They were walking through the corridor when
they saw Mikey and the doctor storm into your
room. Their hearts were beating faster, as
they were wondering what was going on. As
a result they quickly jogged over to your
room and waited outside for the doctor to
come. They waited, until your room door opened revealing your doctor. The doctor saw them waiting outside. "She's awake." He said as he smiled at them. "But she will have to stay in hospital for some time until she recovers" He further added. Everyone's eyes widened at his statement. A few gasps could be heard, but mostly sighs of relief.

So then, everyone met you, they were so glad
seeing you alive and infront of them. Well, they
scolded you for scaring the living daylights
out of them.

I hate you I Manjiro Sano x Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें