Chapter 1 - Playdate!

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Little bit of backstory before the story story :)


    "Y/n!!" You turned around looking for whoever called your name to see your best friend, Emma Sano. You've had plenty of play dates before, as elementary school children do, but she had never brought you over to her house. Every time you asked she said the same thing 'I want you to come over but my brother is so embarrassing!'. You were as understanding of that as you could be, although it did make you curious. You had met big bro Shin from when he would pick up Emma from school and he was the coolest person ever! So, comparing to Shin and Emma, how embarrassing could this other brother really be?
  "Hey Emma! do you want to go to the playground again today?" says you with a toothy grin after spotting the blonde. "Well, actually I wanted to have you come over, my embarrassing brother is with some friend today, so he's not home!" Emma says. "Really Emma?!" the excitement written on your face. "Yeah! I finally get to show you my house!"
    Truth be told, Emma didn't find her brother embarrassing, nor did she think y/n would find him that way either. She saw her brother as a very charismatic boy who made friends easily, and her being only in elementary school, her immaturity made her afraid of him taking y/n away from her.

    Y/n and Emma walked hand in hand practically skipping from the excitement of having their first playdate at the Sano household. As they walked in they were greeted by Shinichiro sitting with a few boys y/n didn't recognize. She was honestly a little intimidated as they didn't have the same soft looking face as Shin. "Welcome home Emma!" he exclaimed with a smile on his face, which quickly turned into shock when his eyes landed on you. "What's this? You've finally brought y/n here? It's about time!" You smiled at him. "Hi Shin! I'm so excited to finally see your house!" He returned your smile and continued on talking with his friends.

    A sparkle could be seen in your eyes as you saw Emma's room, perfectly decorated exactly as you imagined it. "Emma, your room is so pretty! You need to help me redecorate mine so it looks as good as yours!" she laughed at your comment and the two of you began talking and playing with various things in her room.

    After a while, you two decided to go get a snack from the kitchen. As she's showing you the contents of the cupboards to decide what you guys will eat your eyes land on one thing. "Let's have the doriyaki!" you exclaimed. For some reason, Emma seemed a bit hesitant in agreeing and was about to give you an answer until- "Those are mine." An unknown voice said behind you. Emma's face seemed to turn into a bit of shock and you turned around only to be met with a little blond Shinichiro look-alike.

    You looked at him with a bit of confusion, wondering why that mattered since there were so many in the cupboard. He seemed a bit annoyed at your lack of an answer. "You can't have any because they're all mine." The blonde said with crossed arms. You weren't one to talk back to a stranger, but his statement saddened you a bit, considering you were being denied your favorite snack. "And you can't share? There's so many!" you replied with a hmph.

    He looked surprised at your answer, since he was pretty feared by most people due to his fighting. Although, he ignored you and turned to Emma. "Is this your friend Emma?" she nodded. "Why did you bring her here? She's annoying." He said with no emotion written on his face. You were a bit taken aback, as was Emma. Here she was thinking if you had ever met him, he would befriend you and you wouldn't see her as often anymore because he would take up your time and be your new best friend. Shyly she replied to him. "Mikey, that's not very nice of you to say, you don't even know her..."

    "Yeah? well I don't like her. You shouldn't bring her over here anymore."

    Your eyes widened as he said that. No one had ever treated you coldly in that way, especially not after one harmless comment you made about a snack. You were well liked and had no problem making friends, and seeing someone dislike you honestly made you want to be friends with them more. You liked being liked.

    As you and Emma were standing there unsure of what to answer, another boy walked in the kitchen. "Mikey, what's taking you so long? I thought you were just grabbing a snack really quick." He was about to say more but felt the tension in the room immediately. An awkward silence enveloped the room as Mikey continued to glare at you, until he broke his stare with a sigh. "Yeah I'm coming, just talking to Emma and her stupid friend." Mikey said as he grabbed his doriyaki and closed the cabinet, making sure you saw him take it. Mikey walked out of the kitchen as the other boy watched him in confusion, wondering why he seemed so annoyed.

    The boy sighed. "Why's he being all moody? What a pain." He turned his gaze to you. "I don't think we've met, I'm Ken, but call me Draken. I'm Mikey's friend." he said with a smile holding his hand out to you. You took his hand and returned his smile. "I'm y/n, Emma's friend. It's nice to meet you!" He smiled at you, but was wondering why Mikey seemed annoyed with you. From Draken's point of view you seemed perfectly nice, and knowing Emma, she wouldn't pick someone rude to be her friend. So what was his problem?

    "Kenny! Are you coming or what?!" Mikey's shout could be heard from the front door. "Oh yeah! Coming!" Draken replied. He turned back to you and Emma. "Well it was nice to meet you y/n, I hope to see you again soon." He smiled. "Good to see you as well Emma"  He said with a wave as he walked out of the kitchen.

    "I'm sorry about my brother y/n... Mikey doesn't usually act like that, I don't know what's wrong with him." Emma apologetically said to you. "Don't worry about it Emma, it's not your fault." you replied. "I'd better get going home now though, thank you for having me over!" you smiled. Emma said bye to you and you said goodbye to Shinichiro on your way out as well.

    On the way home all you could think about was how you were going to befriend Mikey. It was your new goal as you had never had anyone dislike you before, at least not openly to your face. 'What a weird kid, I guess Emma was right. He is a bit embarrassing.'

    With Draken and Mikey...

    "So what's your problem with that girl?" Draken asked as he looked Mikey, currently stuffing his face with his favorite snack. Why did he dislike you? He honestly had to think about the answer. "She wanted my doriyaki and it annoyed me. I've made up my mind now though, I don't like her." He said with a blank face. "Seriously? That's it? She seemed really nice you know-" "I don't care. I decided I don't like her so stop talking about it already." Mikey interrupted him. Draken just stood there with an exasperated expression and sighed. 'Jeez, why is he so stubborn'.

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