Chapter 10 - Head over to the festival

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    You had a bad feeling in the pit of your
stomach, as if something bad was going to
happen. You were currently watching TV when your phone buzzed. It was a text from Mikey of all people. You opened it and it read..

Y/n. Head over to the festival, now.
Kenny is in trouble.

    You had decided to stay home from the festival since you didn't have anyone to go with and you were pretty tired. Nonetheless, after receiving the text from Mikey, you quickly got dressed and rushed to your motorcycle.

    Takemichi and Hinata were sheltering from the rain, and they were having their moment, but it was interrupted by Yamagishi.
'Who the hell decided to call at such a crucial
moment?!!!' "I'm in the middle of a life changing moment right now! I'll call you back!". Takemichi yelled through the phone
"Ah, Takemichi. Some nice rain we're having
huh?" Yamagishi said. "Yamagishi. You Bastard. Don't call me up for crap like that!". Takemichi irked, balling his fist up.

    "Are you with Mikey, Draken and y/n right now?" Yamagishi asked. "I'm with Draken" Takemichi replied. "Mikey and y/n said they weren't coming today. What's it to you?!" Takemichi added. "Ah! Tell Draken to be careful" Yamagishi warned "Huh? Why? The fight's over." Takemichi, now confused.
"Yeah, they just made up right? But I got
some new intel. Some guys from the Mikey side of Toman are targeting Draken." he explained.
"What? Whaddya mean?"

"Not every subordinate agrees with what
happened. Looks like things are heating up."

Takemichi then leaves, expressing his sorry's
to Hina, he made his way to the forest,
running whilst soaking from the rain. There
he found out Kiyomasa is planning on killing
Draken. However, he gets caught. But our
lovely Hina comes to the rescue. Takemichi then meets up with Mitsuya at the

"Huh? It's just you here?"
"Where's Draken?" Mitsuya questioned
"It's real bad Mitsuya! Draken is going to get attacked!"
"Yeah. I know."
"Huh? You knew that?"
"How'd you know?"

"Mikey was gonna use money to buy Pah's freedom. But Draken was against it" He explained. "They've made up since then though..." "Yeah, thanks to you. Even us captains, nor y/n could stop those two from fighting. How'd you do it?" Mitsuya questioned while chuckling. "When it was settled within Toman that nothing could be done about Pah's
arrest, Peh was the only one who couldn't let it slide. 'Toman abandoned Pah' that's what Peh thinks. He teamed up with the remnants of Moebius and said he was 'gonna deal with Draken'." Mitsuya continued.

Takemichi and Mitsuya are now running to
find Draken. "Mitsuya. The parking lot. Are there any parking lots around, besides where we just were?" Takemichi asked. "Yeah there's one on the other side, let's go." he replied as they ran hoping to find Draken. Takemichi and Mitsuya made it to the parking lot, where they were met by bodies on the ground. The fight had already started. There stood in the middle, was Draken, he had blood trickling down his head. The two made their way over to him.
"Peh! You asshole! What're you doing with Moebius?!" Mitsuya yelled. "Shut up Mitsuya, I'll kill you too." Draken was tired, so he left Mitsuya to finish the fight for him. Takemichi was worrying, becasue Kiyomasa is not here. He was getting frustrated.

But soon they heard a familiar engine
sound. Mikey's CB250T. Mikey then skid his
bike infront of them and was now facing Peh.
He was pissed. "I get it now." Mikey spoke up walking over to Peh. "I got called somewhere else so Kenny could get attacked. Then, It'd be my fault Toman splits into two...right" "I'm just doing it for Pah!" Peh yelled. "This isn't our style! Who tempted you into this?!"

"Wow, What a surprise. Mikey Isn't all
brawn. How dull." An unknown voice making its presence known said. "And you are?" Mikey asked. "Doesn't matter who I am. But I'm in charge of Moebius. For the moment at least. Name's Hanma." he said. "So you're the creep behind all this?" "You're such as pain the ass Mik-" Then Mikey kicked him, however his kick was blocked by Hanma's hands, shocking everyone. "Don't act so hasty Mikey. My mission is to destroy Toman. Best way to do that is make you fight amongst yourselves. But I think this works out. With these hands, I'm gonna take on the 'Invincible Mikey' ... and tear
you down!" he yelled.


'What the hell's going on?! Naoto never mentioned anything like this! Toman's conflict should've been stopped, but now a new one has started. Could it be my fault?! The timeline's gone off rails! This is gonna take more than just stopping Kiyomasa! What am I supposed to do?!' Takemichi now realizing how complex the situation has turned.


"Phew! Just in time" Mitsuya sighed in relief. You and the entire Toman gang arrived ready to take on Moebius. "y/n called us saying Draken was in trouble, so here we are! Who's ready to die first!" Baji exclaimed. "You're being a coward Peh!" you yelled to him. The fight had started, fists and legs were raised everywhere, Mikey and Hama going at each other. You were kicking people around you. You were about to get hit by someone, when Sanzu came and roundhouse kicked the person. "Thanks!" You said. He only gave you a thumbs up.

You were then fighting your way through the
crowd, making your way to Mikey. You kicked Hanma away, and glared at him. "Ooh, is this the illustrious y/n?" he said. You simply ignored his comment and continued glaring, standing next to Mikey. This gave Mikey the opening to walk towards Peh. "Peh!" Mikey shouted. "Mikey." Peh said. Mikey then punches his way through, beating those who came up to him. "Why'd you attack Kenny?" Mikey asked. "You know we came to an understanding, don't you?!" he yelled.

"You guys can't just 'come to an understanding'! Pah is in jail right now because we left him!" Peh yelled. "We're done talking about Pah!" Mikey answered. "Like hell we are! He's sitting on his ass in jail because Draken didn't want to bail him out! Pah is my friend and if that's your decision, then i'm against Toman!" he replied.

Mikey then gently placed his hand on Peh's
neck and brought his forehead to touch his. "Look at me. Am I laughing?" Mikey softly
spoke. "It hurts. Pah's arrest. Me and Kenny fighting... and Toman getting split into two is depressing. That's what Takemitchy told me. I didn't consider that everyone would end up fighting. Beat me until you're satisfied. I don't want to fight you. So let's call it even, and come
back to us Peh." Tears were now threatening to fall from Peh's eyes after Mikey's words.

Takemichi was getting thrown back and
forth, he was trying to find Draken, but to no avail. Kiyomasa then walks past Takemichi.
"I did it. I really did it" Kiyomasa spoke. Takemichi then turns around and sees the
lifeless body of Draken on the floor, he was
stabbed. "Draken! Draken!" Takemichi
yelled loudly. You and Mikey turned around when you heard Kenny's name being yelled. "What's the matter Takemitchy?!" You yelled
as you were fighting off people. "Draken... Draken has been stabbed!" he replied. Yours and Mikey's eyes widened in shock, your heart dropped when you saw his body on the floor. You and Mikey were both trying to move your way through but you both were pushed back. It was Hanma. "Hanma!" You and Mikey both growled because of the surprise attack by him.
"Takemitchy! Take care of Kenny!" Mikey yelled.

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