Chapter 2 - A Gang?

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    "Mikey! Stop being so rude to her!" yelled an angry Kazutora. The past two years were eventful for you. Despite Mikey disliking you, you had not stopped visiting Emma at the Sano household. That being said, you had met all of Mikey's friends and even began to get close with them. They all enjoyed your presence and often invited you to hang out with them. Slowly, you had become a part of their little group, despite Mikey's complaints.

    "If you don't want me to be rude to her then don't invite her to hang out with us. You guys are my friends." Mikey said with a displeased expression, earning a scoff from Mitsuya. "Yes Mikey, we are your friends, but y/n is also our friend. How many times do we have to explain to you if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!" he defended you. As much as you would like to defend yourself, you had learned to just accept Mikey's dislike and less than nice comments towards you.

    However, you had not given up on befriending him. "Why don't we just be friends Mikey? I would like that a lot!" you tried to reason with a smile. This only earned you an eye roll from the blonde. "Whatever, I've already told you a million times I don't want to be friends with you." he retorted. The group just sighed and gave up reasoning with the stubborn boy. Every time they would ask him why he disliked you he would just reply with an 'I don't know, I just don't', leaving them confused.

    Why would he dislike you if he couldn't even come up with a reason as to why he did? At first it was the small doriyaki incident, but in all honesty, he had forgotten about that. At this point, he had just given into his stubbornness and convinced himself that he didn't like you. However, this was unknown to you and the others. You all thought he had a genuine reason as to why he felt that way towards you, and just figured he didn't want to tell anybody.

    With the small argument ending, you all continued to the shrine as planned, you on the back of Kazutora's bike and Mikey falling asleep on the back of Baji's. They all ended up racing, with you and Kazutora reaching the shrine first. You all waited at the top of the stairs, chatting before you spotted Baji struggling with Mikey asleep on his back.

    "So Kazutora, why didn't you ask for help with the Black Dragons?" Mikey questioned. Kazutora seemed surprised by the question, and didn't know how to answer. You all had experience in fighting. You had been training with Emma and Grandpa Sano for the past 2 years, which originally started with you wanting more of a chance to be close to Mikey. The group was telling Kazutora about how they would have helped him, until Baji interrupted.

    "Why don't we start a gang? That way we can protect each other!"

    Everyone seemed to like his idea. "I've already thought of everyone's positions too!" he happily stated. You thought you wouldn't be a part of this idea after hearing that Mikey would be the leader until- "And y/n will be our strategist because she's the smartest out of all of us!" says Baji. Your face lit up with excitement, which was immediately replaced by sadness. "No." says the irritated blonde. You all turned to looked at him, waiting for his reasoning with annoyed expressions. "No gang i'm leading will have y/n anywhere near it." He blankly stated.

    "Come on Mikey, we all love having her around. It'll be even more fun with her with us!" explained Draken with an arm around your shoulder. Mikey stood in silence for a few moments. While he had convinced himself he disliked you, he cared about his friends and their happiness deeply, causing him to feel conflicted. He rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Fine, she can be our strategist. I guess." He reluctantly agreed, causing the rest of the boys to cheer. "Thank you Manjiro!" You exclaimed as you gave him a hug, resulting in shock. Whether it was the hug or the use of his first name, he wasn't sure. Either way, he rolled his eyes after you let go and looked irritated. "Whatever... but don't jump on me like that and don't call me that either!! I'm already being nice enough to let you join so don't go around doing that stuff on top of it!" he said flustered. You simply smiled at him in response. He had a slight blush dusting his cheeks which earned a chuckled from the boys.

    After deciding on the name Tokyo Manji Gang, Toman for short, you all went to buy a charm to celebrate. Unfortunately, you were all broke kids so you could only afford one. "You can keep it Baji, since it was your idea!" says Mikey smiling at his childhood friend.

    Even if Mikey didn't accept you into the gang at first, you were excited to start this new journey with your group of friends. You were also happy with the thought of possibly getting closer to Mikey, this gang giving you hope in bonding over something in common.

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