Chapter 4 - Come play!

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s/t - skin tone


Takemichi sat in class, zoning out, until he heard some yells from the hallway. "How about you go back to your own school!" yelled some upperclassman. Everyone looked to the door as it was opened up only to reveal Mikey, with y/n looking into the classroom over his shoulder.

"There he is! Come play with us Takemitchy!" says the blonde, causing Takemichi to be somewhat embarrassed at the fact that now the whole classroom was looking him. "We're kind of in the middle of class right no-" the teacher attempted to say, "Come on, let's go Takemitchy!" you said interrupting the teacher. He hesitantly stood up from his seat and left the room after bowing his apologies to the teacher. He walked out and became shocked seeing the group of upperclassmen beaten on the ground. "Draken! You didn't have to beat them to the ground!" you said to the tall blonde. "Well this is a school... so I schooled them." he stated with a shrug. You only sighed and then smiled at him. "Well alright!" Takemichi just stood in shock at how normal you three acted about beating up a whole group of people.

As Mikey and Draken jumped from back to back of the group of boys you just walked along side Takemichi. "Come on y/n, join us! It's fun!" said Draken, only earning a scoff from Mikey before you could even answer. "She can continue to walk on the ground. She doesn't need to be up here with us." he said, leaving you with a frown. You didn't even want to jump on the boy's backs but it still hurt you than Mikey didn't want you near them. Takemichi looked at the three of you in confusion. 'If they're the higher ups in Toman, then why is it that Mikey seems to not like y/n?' he thought.

"So are you busy today Takemitchy?" asked Draken wanting him to come with all of you. "Yeah... Kinda..." Takemichi said as he was attempting to get out of Draken's grasp. You three were trying to convince him to come with you until a pink haired girl approached you all, silencing you. She simply kept her angry expression on and slapped Mikey across the face. Other than the sound of the slap, it was silent. You stood there shocked at her action, while Mikey stood rubbing his cheek and Draken with an angry expression.

The girl grabbed Takemichi's hand and began to walk away. "Come on Takemichi, you shouldn't be around people like that." she said pulling him away, until Draken grabbed her wrist. "You think you can just slap him and peace on out? That's not how this works." He said gritting his teeth. Takemichi could feel his girlfriend shaking and grabbed Draken's shoulder. "Take your hand off of her." he said with his head down. Mikey being silent the whole time, decided to speak up. "Man, and I really thought we could be good friends Takemitchy. So how do you want to die?" He turned to him with a scary look on his face.

Mikey's face and words sent shivers down everyone's spine. He hadn't even said something like that to you before. "I don't care what you do, but just leave Hina out of it!" Takemichi said as he braced for Mikey's punch. Except it never came. Takemichi opened his eyes to see a smiling Mikey in front of him. "Just kidding!" was all he said. This shocked Takemichi. Draken put his arm around him and said "Wow Takemitchy! You really stood up to me." Takemitchy looked at you to see you giggling at the small interaction that just transpired. "That was badass Takemitchy! Way to stick up for your girl!" you smiled. "I would never hit a girl Takemitchy. Not even y/n. That's against my morals." Mikey smiled at him.

After the little incident at Takemichi's school you four were riding bikes on a path during sunset. You were on the back of the bike Draken was riding, lost in thought. 'How come Hinata slapped him and he was still kind as ever to her? What did I do wrong?' you frowned. Draken noticed this and whispered to you. "I'm guessing you're thinking about Mikey's kindness towards Takemitchy's wifey," Was he a mind reader? You looked up at him. "I think he'll warm up to you eventually. Even though you've known him for more than 4 years. I'll try to talk to some sense into him." he continued, making sure Mikey and Takemichi wouldn't hear him. You formed a small smile and nodded at his words.

After a conversation or two with Takemichi, Mikey decided to go home and reluctantly let you walk with him as you wanted to see Emma. With you two leaving Draken and Takemichi, he finally thought to ask the question that has been burning in his mind. "Why does it seem like Mikey doesn't like y/n?" he asked. Draken responded with a sigh. "No one really knows why he doesn't like her. I personally think he's just letting his stubbornness get to him. He decided 4 years ago that he didn't like her over a doriyaki, it's pretty ridiculous. I don't think he even remembers that though, I think he just doesn't know how to treat her with kindness after being rude to her for so long." Takemichi sweat dropped. "So he doesn't like her because of a snack?" Draken chuckled at his question. "It seems that way but no, I think he doesn't like her because he doesn't know how to feel."

With Mikey and Y/N

Yet again you were silently walking with Mikey, afraid to spark any conversation. However, you were determined to make him your friend. "Mikey?" you called, to which he just looked at you in response. "Can we please start over? I would really like to be your friend.." You said softly, looking down. He wasn't sure how to respond. He would never tell anyone, but he had grown fond of you. Maybe not enough to care deeply about you, but enough to make him feel a little something. So, instead of replying with his normal rude comment, he decided to answer with what he's been wondering for the past 4 years.

"Why would you want to be friends after the way i've treated you?" he responded looking ahead of him. This question shocked you. Normally he would respond with some variation of 'I've already said I don't want you as a friend.' Maybe you were finally starting to crack his shell after the years of trying. You looked at him and were almost too excited to answer. You thought about it for a minute and stopped walking before answering. He noticed and stopped to look at you.

"Well, for starters you're the most caring person i've ever met. Maybe not towards me specifically, but you never fail to show your friends you care about them. You're kind and you treat everyone you meet with love. You're strong... Not just physically, but mentally. You've been through so much and yet you continue to power through for everyone around you. You're a good leader and put everyone's feelings before you. You're a good person with an amazing heart." He stared at you in shock. How could you feel that way towards him when he's done nothing but hurt you?

As you finished your small speech you looked up and met his gaze with a smile. "So, can we start over? I would love to get to know you more as a friend."

He didn't know why, but in that moment he finally started to notice you. Not just you as a person that was constantly around him, but the little things about you that he had failed to notice because of his hatred. The way your h/c hair framed your face perfectly and made your e/c eyes pop. The way your s/t skin practically glowed with the setting sun. How your hair and clothes blew a bit with the small breeze. He took his eyes away from your smiling face and looked at your outstretched hand waiting for him to accept. Could he really accept it? He had treated you like dirt since the second he met you. How could someone with your kindness accept him after the way he just showed hatred towards you. Slowly, he began to reach for your hand.

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