So why here??

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Grace's POV:

Louis and I decided to spend the day together. He said he needed to talk to me, I didn't really ask why or where we were going.

It was a little chilly today so I put on a pair of light jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and brown sandals. There was a knock at the door.

"One second" I yelled. I grabbed my phone and headed towards the door.

"Hey Lou." I said

"You ready to go" He said smiling. I nodded my head and walked out the door towards his car.

We pulled up to some private beach place, there were only a few people there.

"This way" Louis said walking towards a dock. I followed behind him, not really sure why we were here. We walked onto the dock and sat down on the end of it.

"So why here" I asked

"It's peaceful, brings back a lot of memories." He said quietly. We sat in silence for a little while, staring out into the water.  

"I guess I should start explaining." I looked at him and he had a very serious expression on his face.

"This is where we became really close. Right here on this dock, was the day you opened up to me."

"What do you mean."

"Grace, I'm going to tell you some stuff and I hope at the end you understand." I nodded my head, wanting him to continue.

"Before I met you, you went through a lot. Your ex boyfriend did a lot of band stuff to you and it was just awful. That broke you he destroyed you and for a long time you were not you, but that all changed according to Cassie. It was because you meant someone who loved you more then anything in this world. You found people who cared for you and wanted to protect you. 

"That was Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Cassie, and you." Louis nodded his head.

"We all got closer and we were becoming like a family, but something really bad happened to you."

"The accident" I whispered.

"Yeah the accident. We don't really know how it happened, but that doesn't matter anymore. Grace please just when I tell you this part, just let me explain it all. Okay?"

"Okay." I said back to him.

"The boys and I were on tour and we heard what happened. You were in a coma, it took us a few weeks to get down there. I guess you could say none of us were prepared to see you there, pretty much dead. It was hard for all of us to see you like that. We worked something out with management that once every other week we could come visit you. It was all set and done, but something happened. You wrote a letter to us a long time ago saying how we are your hero and about everything that you went through. I was the first person you told and who read the letter. You told me to give the letter to Harry when you thought he would need it most. So we were about to leave and I gave it to him and he read it. I felt something was wrong that maybe if he read it he could see that everything was going to be okay, but he didn't see that. He couldn't handle you being like that, so he let you go. It was a choice and Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I decided to do what Harry wanted."

"I remember now" I said


"I kept having these dreams seeing a boy in my hospital room and every time he would walk out. It was Harry. How could he do that Louis."

"Grace I know, he thought it was the best decision to move on. Harry thought forgetting about you would be easier to do earlier than later."

"I think I need sometime Louis. Thank you for telling me, I think now I know I can't be with him." I said

Louis stood up. "I understand, but Grace I told you this to show you he still cares for you. Harry has loved you this whole time." I didn't answer him and he walked away.


I've been sitting on the dock for about 20 minutes, just thinking. I felt footsteps behind me, but I didn't look to see who it was. "Hi" his deep British voice said. I didn't answer and he sat down next to me.

"So you know. I was going to tell you, I wanted to tell you I just didn't know how to." Again I didn't answer him.

"Please Grace, I need you to understand. Louis told you not to make you hate me, but to show you that yes I make mistakes and I'm an idiot for letting you go but no matter what happened I've never stopped loving you. There wasn't a single day that went by where I wasn't thinking about you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a single thing. You know why because if you woke up, I didn't want to pressure you into loving someone you didn't love. So I left, I moved on knowing there was no chance of you loving me if you woke up."

"What about Louis, he stayed in touch. Even though he wasn't there he was there for me." I said.

"I thought you were dead. I thought someone would have said something that you were okay and alive. If I would of called and found out you were dead, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He stopped for a second. "Grace I've counted all my mistakes and there's only one, letting you go and giving up on us. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that."

"When I was dating Adam, I felt as if he was just holding a spot for the person I really wanted to be with. Harry I know you've made a lot of mistakes and so have I, everyone makes mistakes. I don't want us to be a mistake. How do I know you're not gonna hurt me again?"

"Grace you mean more to me then anything else in this world. I want us to work and now that everything is being said I only have one more thing to get off my chest." I looked at him for the first time since he sat down next to me on the dock.

"Will you please be my girlfriend." He said. I looked out into the water the sun was setting. I can't be afraid anymore, I need to live my life. I nodded my head.

"Yes" and that's all it took to make me happy.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! So Harry and Grace are finally back together. Will they be the same couple they were before or will things be better this time or possibly even worse??

Vote and Comment:) xxxx

Remembering Me (Sequel to: It all started at the Meet and Greet?!)Where stories live. Discover now