Did I say that out loud??

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A few weeks later.


Grace's POV:

"Great game guys were officially 6-0. I really think this could be our year, when we go all the way." All the girls nodded and began grabbing their bags to head out of the locker room. I was the last one there, I just needed some time to think. I didn't know what was happening, everything was going so fast.

"Hey" Louis said walking into the locker room, he walked over and took a seat next to me on the bench. I stayed silent.

"What's going through your head." Louis understood me, I told him about Harry kissing me and how I'm really confused about life right now.

"I don't know"

"He's trying to reach out to you. You haven't answered any of his message in over 2 weeks Grace."

"I know" I felt bad. I have a boyfriend and I'm just not sure if I really wanted be with Adam anymore.

"Have you talked to Adam." It's like Louis could read my mind. I shook my head no and my phone started ringing. It was Adam.

"Do what you think is right Grace, I'm with you all the way." Louis said.

I can't keep avoiding people, I need to face my fears.


"Grace, are you okay. You haven't answered any of my calls or texts."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Where are you? Can we meet up, I miss you"

"I can't.." My voice cracked.

"What's wrong babe."

"Adam, you were there for me when I needed someone. I'm really sorry, but I just.." I stopped the line was quiet. "I don't love you anymore, I don't know if I ever did."

Still there was no response. "Goodbye Adam. I'm sorry." I put the phone down and took a deep breathe. Louis looked at me.

"What should I do about Harry." Louis said

"I guess maybe we can talk. I don't know." I looked down and my phone was shutting down it must of died.

"I feel like I should be crying, but I can't. I think Adam and I were just never meant to be."

"Sometimes people just want someone to be there for them, and that's what he was to you." I nodded my head, Lou was right.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did you guys meet in the first place." Louis said.


Adam's POV: (didn't see that one coming)

I was thinking about Grace, she hasn't been answering any of calls or texts. I was sitting on the couch in my living room. I remembered the first time I met Grace, like it was yesterday.


"Dude just go talk to her." My brother said.

"What if she turns me down."

"She won't trust me." I got up from my seat and began walking towards her lane.

"Hi" I said. She turned around and looked at me.


"I'm Adam."

"Grace" She smiled at me. You have a beautiful smile Grace.

"Thanks" she said laughing.

"Did I say that out loud." She nodded her head.

"Grace it's your turn." Her friend called. She got up and picked up the bowling ball. They weren't playing with bumpers so the ball went straight into the gutter.

"Not much of a bowler" I said laughing

"No, not very good as you can tell."

"Here, let me help you." I walked over and grabbed the ball from her hand and walked up to the line. "Okay so your hands go here, and leaned back and release." The ball rolled down the lane.

"Strike! I got a strike" She said jumping up and down.

"Thank you" Grace said giving me a hug. She pulled away and smiled at me.

"Would you like to, get something to eat or something." Please say yes.

"Umm yeah sure, I'd love to." She went over to her friend and told her she was heading out. We walked past my brother and he winked at me.


"What happened, this wasn't how things were supposed to go." My brother said walking into the room, bringing me back into reality.

"Dude I don't know, everything was going well last month." I said annoyed.

"We'll call her, see what's going on." I grabbed my phone from off the table and put in Grace's number.

"Put it on speaker." My brother whispered and I did.

"Hello" She actually picked up.

"Grace, are you okay. You haven't answered any of my calls or texts."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Where are you? Can we meet up, I miss you"

"I can't.." Her voice cracked.

"What's wrong babe." What was going on with her.

"Adam, you were there for me when I needed someone. I'm really sorry, but I just.. I don't love you anymore, I don't know if I ever did." I was silent.

"Goodbye Adam. I'm sorry." I waited to hear the beep that she hung up on me, but it didn't come.

The voices in the background were really static she must of put her phone down.

"What should I do about Harry." A voice said and then beep came. The phone called ended. I looked up and my brother was pissed.

"How could this happen. Harry, what the hell is he doing here." He yelled

"I don't know, but this isn't how things were suppose to be. I'm gonna fix it don't worry."

"How Adam."

"Just trust me David I have a plan."


Guess who's back???!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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Remembering Me (Sequel to: It all started at the Meet and Greet?!)Where stories live. Discover now