Can you handle the truth??

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Louis's POV:

It was finally Friday. We've been in California for a little over a week now and no one has brought up Grace or Cassie. I told Niall last night we were going to the beach to meet Grace and hangout for the day.

I was looking around the flat for my towel, when Harry walked in.

"Hey mate, what are you looking for?"

"Umm my towel."

"Why" he said confused picking up the towel from off the floor and throwing it to me.

"Going to the beach with Niall and.." I stopped.

"And who?" Harry said with a confused look.

"My girlfriend" Niall said walking into the room giving me the death stare.

"Girlfriend when did that happened"

"The other day actually."

"I would join you guys, but I have to head to the recording studio." Harry said not sounding convinced about Niall's girlfriend situation.

"Oh maybe next time then." I said. Harry nodded his head and walked out of the room.

"Girlfriend?" I said smiling at Niall

"You were about to say her name, what was I suppose to do."

"Sorry, that would've been bloody awful. "

"Yeah, we just need to be careful. You ready to go?" I nodded my head. I put the towel in my bag and headed out the door with Niall.


Niall and I finally got to the beach and we were setting the blankets up.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I looked up and it was Grace.

"Don't worry about it. We were just setting everything up." Niall said setting the last bag on the ground.

We all sat down on the blankets. Grace was in the middle with me on her left and Niall on her right.

"Can I ask you guys something." Grace said softly

"Sure" Niall said

"What was I like before the accident." I looked at her and our eyes met, you could see the confused look, the eager to find out the truth. The question was, could Grace handle knowing the truth??

"Well first your hair was dirty blonde, not brown." Niall said causing Grace to laugh.

"I didn't mean it like that Niall. I meant like who was I, was I happy all the time or what. I just need to know who I was."

Niall and I were both silent. "Guys, I need to know. Cassie won't tell me, she says I should move on from the past but I can't. I really thought it would be better not to know about the past and everything that happened to me. To just have a new future and not have to dwell in the past anymore." Grace sniffed, tears were streaming down her face. "Something happened to me before the accident or during it, I can feel it."

"What do you mean you can feel it?" Niall said

"It probably sounds crazy, but my heart it aches. I feel as if there is a missing piece inside of me that someone or something stole."

We were all silent, she needed to know.

"Grace." She looked at me tears in her eyes. I guess there's no more keeping this all from her. I took a deep breathe. 'You were a wreck inside, but you never let that get the best of you. You tired to always be smiling no matter what. I didn't know you for too long, but it feels like I've known you my entire life. You were my best friend and still are. You never let fear shut you down, you always took chances even if they would have consequences in the end. You were sassy, independent, and the most funniest person in the world."

"Why was I a wreck thought Louis." Grace said cutting me off.

"Harry" Niall whispered. I looked at him, why would he say that. Then I looked up and saw what he meant.


Hey Guys! Hope you guys enjoyed!:) I'm really excited about the next few chapters. I've already written them so I will be posting them soon.. xxxx

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