Chapter 4

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When I walked into my homeroom I saw him again, the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen, Nathan. I knew there was no way I'd ever get him to like me but I liked to hope there was a chance. I got lost in my thoughts thinking of his beauty and how lovely a relationship would be with him when I heard Jax call to me.

"Aurora! Hey," He beckoned me towards where him and Nathan were seated. I made my way over to them and tried to fix my hair and make sure my outfit was okay. "Nathan, this is Rory. Rory, this is Nathan."

"Hello, beautiful," Nathan winked at me. I couldn't help but blush and was only able to stutter out thanks. Could anyone really blame me for being such a mess? "Why don't you sit down, sweetheart." Gosh he really knew how to make me nervous.

"Oh, oh yeah,"I laughed nervously. I slowly sat down in the desk in front of Jax. "I-I really like your shirt," I informed Nathan.

"So you're cute and have a great taste in music. Where have you been hiding her Jax?" He simply rolled his eyes in response.


The day rolled on rather boring but filled with many wonderful thoughts of Nathan. Shiloh and I decided not to take the bus home with everyone so we could catch up. We walked out of the school when I saw Nathan coming towards us. "Hey, Shiloh, Rory. I know we just met today but I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a date with me this weekend," I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me, Rory, the biggest loser ever, being asked out by Nathan, the hottest most popular boy ever. Maybe he wasn't talking to me. Maybe I'm standing in front of someone. I turned around and when I saw no one i pointed to myself to clarify that it was me he was talking to. "Yeah, you, silly! Who else would I be talking to?"He laughed.

"Oh, uh, oops. Y-yeah sure, I-I'd love to."

Oh, god. I'm going on a date with Nathan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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