Chapter 3

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The four of us walked to my first period class where we encountered Kevin's friends, Oliver and Avery. In a way, they were our friends too but Kevin was closer to them. Oliver was a tall, skinny boy with dark hair and big, black rimmed glasses. He had worn his Black Veil Brides pull over hoodie today, paired with jeans and sneakers. Avery was probably one of the tallest girls I know. She always wore a plain t-shirt with basketball shorts and shoes. As we approached them, they greeted us with "Hey" and "How's it going." I kinda tuned out the conversation after that point because I saw a cute boy. Suddenly I heard Shiloh say "You'll never believe who Rory likes." I turned to her, trying my best to look very angry, but she winked at me which caused me to blush furiously which wasn't helping my case. Avery perked up at hearing this and got even more interested in the conversation. Oliver excitedly asked who. I quickly cut in and said "Oh, Shiloh! Shut up! No one! It is no one! I do not like anyone! Don't make up anymore lies!" "1st step is denial, Rory." Added Kevin. I gave him finger and stormed off to my class.

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