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I went on my first date today...

With a girl.

She's really beautiful.

We actually saw the new Fantastic beasts movie and it was so good!!

I swear to god, I always get to insecure that she stops liking me, but every time I see her, I just get a new reassurance, and god.. every time I see her, I'm reminded why I like her so much and that may sound cheesy but idc.

It's also so unbearable how I want to hold her hand all the time but I'm scared of taking it even if we've held hands many times before.

I also can't stop thinking about kissing her, because I really want to kiss her, but I know she hasn't had her first kiss and I don't want to put any kind of pressure on her.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop gush about her, and let you read...

It's a short chapter and I apologise for that, but I'm tired


Esme's hands trembled as she reached for her soda on the table. She sat in the small cafeteria in St. Mungos, Bill Weasley by her side.

He had seen his father and now Arthur was being visited by the rest of his family. Esme had seen him too, but she decided to give the family some space.

"Something bothering you?" Bill asked as he seemed to notice Esme's habit of chewing on her lip when she was thinking. "Esme?"

"Huh?" Esme looked up and when she saw the curious look on Bill's face, she looked back down and brought the soda up to her lips.

"You're upset. Why?"

Esme shook her head.

"I'm not."

"Is it George?" Bill asked and leaned on the table, his arms folded in front of him. "Did something happen?"

Esme scoffed, then looked at Bill again, trying to find a way around this subject.

"Why don't we talk about you instead?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. "Let's talk about the woman you seem to love more than you love Fleur."

Bill instantly stiffened in his seat. He stared at Esme, then offered her a smile.

"Ianthe is a part of my past, Esme. I love Fleur and I'm marrying her." He said. "You can't use her against me. You didn't even know she existed until this morning."

Esme narrowed her eyes at Bill, trying to read him, but it was impossible. Bill wasn't going to stumble and he wasn't going to admit anything to his younger brothers friend.

"Is she beautiful?" She asked, and Bill inhaled before looking away.

"I'm not answering that."

"So she is?" Esme tilted her head. "More beautiful than Fleur?"

"Esme, quit it." Bill snapped and stood up, walking over to get a refill of his tea.

Esme didn't mean to upset him about the topic of a girl he once loved. She was just trying to turn the attention away from her and her obvious longing for a relationship to George.

Esme and Bill stayed in the cafeteria for a long time until Esme was suddenly woken up, not having realised she had fallen asleep in the chair.

"Es, hi..." it was Fred, crouching down in front of her. "...want to go back to Grimmauld place so you can sleep?"

Esme was too tired to even respond, she just nodded once and let her eyes close again.

She felt Fred wrap an arm around her back and one under her knees, lifting her off the chair.

He said something to Bill before he made his way down to the lobby where he could apparate them back to the headquarters.

When they got back, Fred walked up the stairs, carrying Esme. He walked past George who had gotten home an hour earlier, and George frowned at the sight.

"Is she okay?"

"Just tired." Fred nodded. "I'm putting her to bed."

He walked into Esme's room and carefully placed her on the bed. He wiggled the shoes off of her feet, placed them on the floor and then pulled the duvet up to cover her body.

"Freddie?" He heard Esme whisper as he shut off the light in the room.

"What's up, Essie?" He chuckled, approaching her bed.

"Why doesn't George love me?" She asked quietly, her eyes shut but her head turned towards him.

She and Fred didn't realise that George was outside of the door, hearing her ask that question.

"What are you talking about? You know he loves you."

Esme yawned.

"Not enough." She said before turning onto her side, away from Fred. "He's rude to me."

Then she fell back asleep and Fred inhaled sharply, looking towards the door when he could sense someone's presence.

George stood in the door, staring at Esme with no readable expression on his face.

"George— she doesn't mean that. She knows you love her."

George didn't respond. He turned and walked away and Fred followed, shutting the door to Esme's room behind him.

"You just need to earn her trust back." Fred told his brother as he followed him to their own room. "You've let your anger out on her too many times. You'll just need to show her that you won't do that again."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" George snapped, waving his wand so that the door shut behind me. "I don't even know if I'll be able to keep such promise!"

"Of course you will—"

"I don't know, Freddie!" George exclaimed, roughly raking a hand through his ginger hair.

George sat down on the end of his bed, sighing deeply.

"I get jealous. Every time she's with someone, I can't control how much I wish it was me."

"That doesn't mean you can treat her like—"

"I know!" George shouted. "But I don't know how to stop. Even imagining her with someone else... it makes me want to rip off my own fucking skin. I've loved her for years, and I just want her. How come I can't fucking have her."

Fred stared at his brother, watching the way his hands ran over his face and into his hair.

George truly hadn't meant to act like such a dick towards Esme, but jealousy always got the better of him and that had cost him a possible future with Esme.

Fred knew that his brother would have to make some improvements if he wanted Esme to give him a chance.

"She knows the real you, Georgie." Fred said. "Prove to her that you're worth it, and she'll see it."

George just shook his head and moved back on his bed, sliding under the covers.

"Night, Freddie."

Fred sighed, shaking his head at his brother and then he started getting himself ready for bed.

Blue moon ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now