Prologue: Part 1/5

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June 1990

Esme Eileen Night woke up on Sunday, June 18th of 1990, feeling more awake than ever, excitement overflowing her body at the realisation of what today was.

Today, Esme turned eleven years old, and that meant only one thing. She'd get her Hogwarts letter. She's get that letter that she had waited for ever since she was a little girl and her parents taught her all about the Magical School located in Scotland.

Esme grew up in a village with mixed wizards and muggles. A town called Holyhead, located in Wales. The wizards living there all knew each other and greeted one another when they passed in the street. But the muggles... no one really cared to greet the muggles. They didn't know the muggles. All they knew was that muggles were some odd creatures with some even weirder habits.

David Night and Yasmine Copper met on a chill evening back in 1971 at a Quidditch game as England met Nigeria and immediately they fell in love.

Three years later, they had Esme's older brother Ethan. He was only a newborn when the small family decided to move into the Wizarding village of Holyhead in Wales and only five years later, they had Esme.

On the morning of her eleventh birthday, she ran down the stairs, shrieking out of excitement. She spun around the corner and sprinted into the kitchen to see her dad at the dining table, reading the newest version of the Daily Prophet but her mum was nowhere to be seen.

"Is it here?!" Esme couldn't contain her excitement, and when her dad looked up and smiled before revealing a Hogwarts envelope he had been hiding behind the newspaper, Esme's smile only grew.

But as Esme ran over to grab the letter, David grabbed it and held it up.

"Nuh-uh." he smiled at his daughter. "Breakfast first. Otherwise you forget to eat. You can open your letter when mum gets in from the garden."

Esme pouted but she sat down at her usual seat at the table and began on the breakfast standing in front of her - probably made by her mother.

"You've also got a letter from Ethan." David told his daughter. "It's on the counter for when you've finished eating."

Ethan was currently finishing his fourth year at Hogwarts. The boy was sorted into Ravenclaw when he started school a few months before his twelfth birthday. Ethan was known to be the smart one in his family - always wanting to learn more and both of his parents were absolutely sure that at the end of the summer, he would receive a prefects badge in the post.

Esme looked up to her older brother, wanting to be exactly as good as him to both the academics and quidditch. She had a plan for her years at Hogwarts.

One, be on Snape's good side because Ethan says if you're on his bad side, his classes will be hell.

Two, make the Quidditch team in her second year.

Three, become Prefect in fifth.

Four, get top grades in O.W.L.s.

Five, get top grades in NEWTs.

Six, join a professional Quidditch team.

Esme had it all written down on a list and now she just had to check them all of throughout the years.

July 1990

Esme loved the summer.

She could spend extra long time under the big apple tree in the garden, reading one of her books as her mother walked around, watering the plants. She could use magic but she decided against it and did it herself.

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