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David hit her daughter on the head with a rolled up newspaper.

She leaned her back to look at him, ripping her eyes from the book she was reading.

"We need to figure out what you're going to do if you aren't going to finish school."

Esme immediately sat up, staring at her father with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?" She asked. "I can drop out?"

Her dad sighed.

"I don't like the idea. I far from like the idea, but if you aren't happy in school..."

Esme jumped off the sofa and threw her arms around her father, hugging him tightly, and he hugged her back, smiling weakly with his chin resting on the top of her head.

"You're gonna need a job." He told her. "Ethan has talked to his coach and they might be able to find you something to do. Maybe be a water girl or something, make sure they're well hydrated."

Esme stepped back to look at her father who threw the newspaper on the sofa.

"I want you to have those exams though." He said. "I will apply for a home tutor to come and prepare you for your NEWTs. That and the job are my only conditions."

Esme didn't know what to say. She looked up at her dad, feeling so grateful that he was actually listening to her.

"Though I still want you to think this through while on suspension." He said, raising his eyebrows. "This can't be some impulsive decision where you end up regretting it. You have to think it through, Esme."

Esme nodded quickly, moving her hands up to cover her mouth.

"Yes, yes of course! Thank you!" She hugged her dad again before running out into the hallway and upstairs where her brother was sitting on his bed, playing on the guitar that usually hung on his wall. "Guess what!"

Her older brother looked up at his sister as she entered his room, very excited. Esme had always come to him and spilled most things she got excited about. She had always looked up to him even when they were fighting and she sometimes treated him like her best friend — especially when she felt lonely.

"Dad says I can drop out of school." Esme sat as she jumped onto her brothers bed and sat down by the headboard.

Ethan placed his guitar down before turning to look back at her.

"I have to consider it while I'm suspended so that I don't regret it, but if it's what I decide, I'm allowed, and then I'll have to get a job and finish my exams with a private tutor."

Ethan smiled at his sister.

"You don't want to finish school?" He asked. "I'll get the boys and we can beat up Umbridge for you if that's what you need."

Esme rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather just never go back and face her."

Ethan hummed.

"Well, you don't really need school to play quidditch, so I guess it won't matter, eh?"

That's when Esme looked down at her hands that she started to fidget with. Her entire life, quidditch had been her dream but now...

She couldn't imagine herself being good enough to play for a professional team so instead she went with her second choice.

Work with Charlie at the dragon sanctuary.

"Do you think that's realistic?" Esme asked as she played with a fold of the sheets that covered Ethan's bed.

"What? A career in quidditch?" He asked with a small chuckle. "Well, considering mum and dad played and I do as well... yeah, I do believe it's realistic."

"But, no scouts have watched me play. I don't even know if I'm good enough."

Ethan let out a small scoff as he brought his guitar pick up to his lips, biting down on it while analysing his sister.

"Don't tell me you're doubting yourself." He said and bit down on the pick again. "I wasn't brought in by scouts either. I showed up at tryouts and I got the spot. That's all you have to do."

Esme sighed and looked at him.

"I don't think I can do that." She said. "And that's fine! Not everyone in our family have to have a career in quidditch."

Ethan shook his head at her. He didn't like that his sister suddenly doubted herself when it came to quidditch.

"Why don't you come with me to practice tomorrow?" He asked and looked at her again. "See what professional quidditch is like up close. Then you can also meet the team and the coach."

Esme thought about it for a moment, and then she nodded.

"Okay." She said. "Now... when are you moving out again? Beatrice hasn't taken you back, has she?"

"Nope." He breathed, reaching for his guitar again and Esme watched as he gently started playing some random melody. "That chapter of my life is over. And you? Is George your boyfriend?"

She shook her head.

"We were supposed to go on a date but then I got suspended." She said. "I won't see him until Christmas."

She stared off towards the window and her brother looked at he.

"He treats you right, doesn't he?" He asked. "He's not an arsehole?"

"Eh." Esme shrugged. "He's a guy. He can most definitely be an arsehole, but he's also very sweet. He stood up for me when Umbridge called me a whore and gave me a weeks worth of detention... though so did Freddie."

Ethan smiled. He was happy that his sister had those Weasley twins. He was happy that she had someone outside of the family who were looking out for her.

"Do you ever thing she'll take you back?" Esme looked at Ethan who inhaled sharply and then looked back at her.

"You assume she ended things. That wasn't the case, Es. I walked in on her in bed with one of my old mates... so I left."

Esme stared at her brother, eyebrows raised almost all the way to her hairline.

She had assumed that since her brother had been so heartbroken, he had been dumped. She hadn't imagined that Beatrice would cheat on him, yet alone with one of Ethan's friends.

"I'm sorry." Esme said. "I don't feel in a rush to have you move out, you know. You don't have to until you're ready. I'm sorry that I've gotten angry at you for still being around."

Ethan didn't answer at first. He stared down at his guitar, paused for a second and then he started playing again.

"You're my baby sister." He stated without looking at her. "You're supposed to find my presence annoying."

Esme moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him in a way to comfort him.

"You're the best brother I could wish for."

Ethan laughed gently, lifting an arm to hug her back.

"And you're the best sister."

Blue moon ; George Weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن