Prologue: Part 2/5

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June 1991

Yasmine picked up her children from Kings Cross Station. Esme was excited about seeing her mum and after saying goodbye to her friends, she hugged the life out of Yasmine.

When they got home, the house was awfully quiet. Their dad was at work which was why he hadn't been to pick Ethan and Esme up along with his wife.

"Go upstairs." Yasmine told her daughter. "There's something for you on your bed."

Esme looked at her mother for a second, then sprinted up the stairs, hearing her mum chuckle at her excitement.

She rushed all the way up and into her room, her eyes going wide when she saw the broomstick lying on her bed.

Esme's parents had gotten her a Nimbus 2000 for her to use when she got back to school.

"We saved some money up." Yasmine was watching her daughter from the doorway to the bedroom and Esme spun around, rushing over to throw her arms around her mother.

"Thank you so much!"

A Nimbus 2000 was the newest broom out and almost the fastest. It was expensive too so it meant a lot to Esme that her parents had saved up.

200 galleons was what it costed.

That was a lot of money, especially for the Night family who didn't have as much money as back in the day.

"You're going to make the team, sweetheart." Mum assured Esme. "It's in your blood, and with Charlie Weasley having given you those private lessons, I'm even more confident that Gryffindor will find a new chaser."

She winked at Esme before she left her room and told her to unpack before dinner in about an hour.

Esme turned back around and smiled at the broom on her bed. She carefully took it up in her hands and studied it.

She was so gonna sneak out tonight when no one were out in the street, so that she could try her very first broomstick.

July 1991

"Isn't that Potter boy turning eleven this month?" David asked his wife as the two were cooking together one night, Esme sitting by the table, writing letters for her friends.

"Oh yeah... he was born the year after Esme." Yasmine said. "Maybe you'll meet him, Esme."

Esme looked up in confusion for a second but then she processed what her parents were saying, and she nodded. Esme knew about the Potter family. How James and Lily Potter were murdered by You-Know-Who when Esme was only two years old.

"He'll be famous." she told her parents and put her attention back on the letters.

"Maybe he'll be your little boyfriend." Ethan said and entered the kitchen, earning a scowl from Esme. As he messed up his little sisters hair, she shoved his hand away and gagged.

"Shut up, Ethan."

"What? Aren't you all interested in boys now? You've been writing those boys since we got home from school."

"They are my friends!" Esme argued.

"Your friends that you'd like to kiss." Ethan teased while walking to the fridge to get himself something to drink. At the same time, Esme groaned loudly, finding her older brother annoying at the moment.

She rolled her eyes and put her attention back on the letters. She had written the one for the twins and was now writing one for Lee.

"Oh, here comes Squeaker with the post." Yasmine said and Esme quickly glanced up at her mother to see her open the window to let their post owl fly in.

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