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"Listen... it's simple. I could easily hide in one of your trunks."

The boys laughed at me as we made our way down the aisle to find somewhere to sit on the train.

"Esme, it's one year." Fred spoke as he looked back at me.

"Exactly! An entire year! You need to take me with you when you graduate! I can't be here all alone!"

"You're not alone." Lee said. "You've got Oreo."

Since Lee first met Oreo, he had grown a lot on her and currently as the group of friends looked for a compartment, Lee was the one carrying her in her carrier.

"That isn't the same as having friends!"

"Aw, but you've got dear Elliott." George said from behind her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug from behind.

"Shut up!" She groaned. "I hate him. He's—"

She didn't get to finish her sentence before she did notice Elliott wait for her down the aisle, acting like he wasn't so that they wouldn't give it away to Esme's friends.

"I have to pee." Esme spoke and shoved her bag into George's arms. "Take care of Oreo and I'll be back in a moment."

While her friends walked into an empty compartment, Esme continued down the aisle. As she walked past Elliott, she cleared her throat and then he followed her, making sure to walk a few feet away from her.

She walked into the bathroom and he slipped right in behind her, shutting and locking the door.

Esme turned around and Elliott slipped his arms around her back, pulling her in close.

"Why can't we just tell everyone?" He whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

"Because... we've been hating each other for years." Esme responded, staring at his lips.

"And before that, we were best friends." He shrugged, leaning down to kiss her and Esme smiled against his lips, locking her hands behind his neck.

Esme didn't mean to fall into a relationship with Elliott Cross. It had happened over the summer and now they were both obsessed with each other.

"I've told my friends about you." Elliott whispered. "I mean... they already know about you but I told them that we're dating."

Esme looked up at him, feeling her heart skip a beat out of fear, and then she stepped back.

"No you didn't..."

"Yes, I—"

"You told Pucey!"

"Adrian among the rest of my friends." Elliott nodded. "I want us to be official, Es."

Esme groaned, rubbing her face with her hands.

"I can't do that yet, Elliott!" She exclaimed. "My friends can't know!"

"Why not? They know I exist."

"They know that I hate you." Esme nodded, a small laugh escaping her lips. "We agreed to not tell anyone and you did!"

"Es, it isn't a big deal!"

Esme pushed past him, upset with him for going against her wishes and forcing her to step outside of her comfort zone.

She hadn't been ready to tell people. It had only been a month and she enjoyed what they had without having to hear others opinions.

"Esme... I'm sorry—" Elliott sighed as Esme pulled the door open and closed it behind her.

She walked back down the aisle and slipped into the compartment where the boys sat.

After she slid the door closed, she slumped down next to Oreo who slept peacefully between her and Lee.

George was across from Esme, sitting next to Fred, and they all looked at her.

"Did someone murder your spirit on the way to or back from the toilet?" Fred asked and cocked an eyebrow, and Esme rolled her eyes at him.

"Wait... was there no more toilet paper?" Lee asked with a dramatic gasp.

Esme shoved him with her shoulder, before she dropped her hand to Oreo, brushing through the cat's fur.

The train whistle blew and Esme looked up and out of the window as they started rolling off the platform.

She laid eyes on some familiar people and smiling, she waved goodbye.

Molly had been standing there to wave goodbye to the four of them and Esme's father and brother were there as well.

"Now, let's discuss—"

"We're not sneaking you out of the castle at the end of the year, Esme." Lee interrupted her and she gasped, looking at him.


"Esme." George caught her attention. "Right now you need to focus on your sixth year, then you'll focus on your NEWTs in your last year and you'll graduate."

Something about the way George spoke to her, caused her to relax against the seat. She sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But all three of you will receive a letter from me every single day." She said. "I won't have anyone. That's why I hate being a year below."

"And a year younger." Fred reminded her, earning a glare from her. "What? You are!"

"You don't have to remind me!" Esme spoke. "You know that's the thing I hate the most!"

"I thought the things you hate the most is people wearing animals as clothing." George said, and Esme looked at him.

"It's cruel!" Her voice was high-pitched as animal cruelty was a thing she hated more than anything. "I don't know how people can treat animals so horribly their entire life and then slaughter them to make a coat of their skin and fur and— bags... shoes!"

"Look what you did, George?" Fred asked. "Now she's all riled up over it."

"I am riled up because this poor animals can't defend themselves, Frederick!" Esme shouted. "And because of that... I, Esme Eileen Night am from today on a vegetarian."

The boys went silent.

"Your favourite food is meatballs." Lee said.

Esme shrugged, staring out of the window. She had been wanting to drop meat a long time ago but to stop eating it was hard when you've lived with it your entire life.

Though she had made the decision. She didn't want to eat meat anymore.

"Well, now my favourite food is spaghetti tacos." She told them while fully leaning back into her seat, putting her feet up next to George on the opposite one.

"Does this mean we can't eat it either?" Lee whispered to Fred. "Or around her?"

Though Esme heard it and she immediately wanted to reassure them.

"I'm not gonna choose what you eat." She said. "You can eat meat. I want to be a vegetarian but that doesn't mean you guys have to."

She noticed Elliott walk by the compartment but he paused to look at her, raising an eyebrow as to ask if they were okay.

She offered a small smile and nodded, but Fred caught it and when he turned, he saw Elliott walk away again.

He looked at Esme and frowned but Esme looked down.

Fred was definitely going to ask her about that later.

Blue moon ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now