When you arrived home, you closed the door shut and made sure it was locked. The moment you spun around, you were met by your mother of this world. Her [e/c] hues filled of worry, she observed every part of your head. Gentle finger brushed through your strands, petting your healing wound. "Are you okay? How did this happen?"

Pulling away from her, you gave her a stiff nod, still numb from what you recently experienced. She was slightly hurt by your actions and guilt poured into you. "I'm fine. The nurse took good care of me. I'm a little tired though. Can I sleep it off first?"

"Of course. Go ahead," she said, quick to agree. She watched as you nimbly went on over to the hallway, the one that led you to your bedroom.

Alone and in the comforts of the room, you hurried on over to the notebook you hid in the drawer. Gingerly taking it out, you flipped the pages over and began writing. The words fell out rigidly and your arms began to shake. The fear just couldn't leave you. You were supposed to focus on your current problem with graduating from school, but here you were, stumbling into unwanted moments that should be destined for the protagonist.

You wrote: Who were those men in black?

The notebook answered a few minutes later: You need to be a little more specific than that, honey.

Gritting your teeth, you were close to snapping your pen in half. Everything was getting out of control lately and you had no time for this stupid notebook's games. Jabbing the tip of the pen against the parchment, the ink bled through the thin paper like blood. You know who I'm talking about. Don't play dumb with me.

And what if I do? Do I owe you anything? No, no I don't. You only get the right to information if you rank up. You're at rank one. O N E. Oneeee. Have I nailed the idea of it into your slow brain enough yet?

You were this close to tearing the bitch up, throw it against the wall, and burn it into ashes. The plan to ask it about some of the elites' background information changed as well. You were too infuriated to deal with it any longer, so you returned it to the drawer, slamming that shut. Marching up to your bed, you flung yourself onto the soft comforter, burying your face into a pillow.

Fine. You didn't need its help. You could research the elites on your own anyway. Grabbing the device from your school bag, you pulled up social media and searched up names.

Sakiko was easy to find. Her profile was public, showcasing bright, colorful pictures of a variety of things. There were a lot of selfies of herself, silver eyes bright and beautiful. The girl truly didn't need any filter or photoshop -- she was a literal goddess. Some of the other photos were of food or of her family. Why did her life seem so flawless? It made your chest twist in envy, as you couldn't help but begin to compare the two of you.

Anyway... back to the whole reason why you were here in the first place. There weren't any clues that informed you of her backstory. Deciding to move on for now, you searched up the next names on your list.

Namiko and Eito appeared to not have any accounts on the platform.

Kouki's account was expectedly flashy. Nearly every photo was of him styled in expensive, brand clothes. You couldn't lie -- he was very well dressed and looked incredible in each of them. It was obvious he had a passion for fashion, so his statement on that first day of school rang true. As your finger scrolled down through his media, you soon found a post that showcased an old printed photo of a girl and boy. It was indeed young Sakiko and Kouki, eating ice cream and looking childishly carefree. This was posted two years ago and even had a comment coming from the female elite: We were so cute here!!!!

You took a look at the photos after it. Since then, there were no more pictures of them together, nor comments from the other. Interesting. Something must've happened two years ago... but what? You were once more lost at a dead end, unsatisfied and still curious.

The last account was Ginjirou, the red haired male that annoyed you immensely. His account was also public, pictures mostly of him at a boxing ring. There were some where he was... half naked, sweat glistening on his body. His golden eyes staring seductively at the camera, he knew exactly he was doing. The same infamous tattoos marked his arms, accompanied by muscles that defined his abdomen as well.

Growing hot and red at his quite provocative pictures, you shook yourself out of it. No, no, no. This dude was your nemesis... you couldn't allow to further embarrass yourself. You had to leave the page, right this second.

To your horror, you had accidentally double tapped the photo you were on, adding a like to the hundreds of hearts already on it. Not only that, but it was of one where he was half naked... after a shower.

"Fuck! No, no, no!" you verbally shouted out, dropping your jaw at the sight. Springing up, you did everything in your power to unheart the shit out of it. Once the red heart replaced with an empty one, you slightly calmed down, panting heavily.

You could only hope he wasn't online to see your mistake. 

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