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In a secluded part of a hallway, a small, timid boy was getting bloodied and bruised. Cowering in front of a larger figure, he was kicked in the guts, over and over again. However, he couldn't do anything about it. The victim was a rank one, while the bully was a rank four. Mean-eyed with baring teeth, the guy was over six feet and had muscles rippling beneath his uniform. No one came to the rescue for the situation. Students and teachers already rushed to their classrooms, for the bell had rung a few minutes ago.

You and Eito were there though, halting at the scene. This morning you had overslept and was in a hurry for school when you somehow coincidentally met the dark-haired male at the entrance. He was doing some sort of business with the office and came out of the room when you nearly crashed into him. That was where your paths crossed. Agreeing to walk together for the time being, you were making small talk with him. It wasn't long after that the two of you stumbled upon this nightmarish sight.

Whimpers and cries filled the area, causing you to curl your toes in fear. A lump of disgust sprouted within you, telling you to do anything to stop this madness. Taking a step towards the pair, a hand placed on your shoulder, similar to that time with the fight in the courtyard. Dammit Eito. You fought the urge to sigh as his head lowered to your ear.

Warm breath hit the lobes of it, causing your face to warm. He was... too close to you. "I admire your kindness, but you can't go looking for trouble. You'll gain attention from doing so and it'll put you in a tough spot."

Your teeth clenched and your shoulder blades sagged helplessly. "This is different from before. That was a fight, but this... if we do nothing here, we'll be heartless bystanders."

"Getting involved will have us beaten up as well. Is that what you want?" he said, his eyes flashing. He looked angry, as if he knew this from experience. Since you didn't want to face this boy's wrath, you decided to drop it. Quickly shaking your head, you watched as he calmed. It didn't remove the heavy guilt though.

Pulling you away from the scene, he led you to another hallway. Keep walking and don't look back, you thought to yourself. You and Eito kept going and wouldn't stop until you arrived at a stairway. This was where the two of you would part. Stiffly bidding him farewell, you hurried up the steps while he continued onward to his class on the first floor.

You arrived at the top, heading to the right. Seeing a restroom on the way, you figured you might as well fix yourself first. What you recently witnessed shook you to the core, leaving a bad aftertaste that stuck to you like gum. You entered the space and made a beeline for the sink. Supporting yourself with the counter, you took a few deep breaths. The girl in the mirror seemed tired, dark circles accompanying beneath her [e/c] hues. [h/c] locks messy and disarrayed on top of her head, it was obvious today was not her day. She was you, you were her. Combing your fingers through your tangled strands, you tried your best to fix yourself up.

As you were busy doing so, a sound rang from one of the stalls, causing you to jump in fright. It was of someone retching. Freezing in place, you knitted your brows together in shock and concern. What the hell was happening this morning?

Before you could sneak away unnoticed, the door to the stall on the end swung open. The person stumbled out and silver gray eyes met yours. Her perfect lips parted in shock and pink tinged the apples of her cheeks. Her lilac hair and school uniform were disheveled. It was none other than Sakiko. At this very moment, she didn't seem very elite-like.

How awkward. You wondered if you should say something. Assumptions ran through your mind. Would it be rude to ask her about it? Was it a sensitive subject? While you were contemplating, she beat you to it.

"Can you keep this a secret?" she blurted, panic swirling in her gaze. Her entire body shook, to the point where her wobbly legs may not support her. Smoothening out the wrinkles of her clothes and brushing out her hair, she continued to glance at you.

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