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That last class was a nightmare. The teacher had made everyone run an entire mile, including you. It did not come to a surprise that you were one of the last few to finish the mile, nearly dying when you finally reached the finish line. Currently, you were reminding yourself to take a few deeps breaths in, to calm the racing heart that threatened to spill out of your chest any minute. The side of your head pounded repeatedly to create a headache and sweat slicked your entire face and body, making you feel entirely gross. You needed a shower. A warm shower to get rid of all this dirtiness.

Stumbling into the last class of the day, you were nearly in tears to know that Education was the only one left. Praise the lord for normalcy for once. As you entered the room, the space was lined up in rows and columns of desks. At the front of them all was a whiteboard and the teacher's desk, where an older man sat. His gray hairs sticking out from the top, he wore glasses and had wrinkles that showed his fine age. You wondered if the only reason why he teaching a class such as this was because he was too old for any of that physical stuff.

Unlike you who already enjoyed this class very much, everyone else in the room looked sullen to be here, their faces contorted in annoyance and frustration. Which confused the hell out of you a lot. What, they'd prefer to go through another class of hell -- aka physical shit -- than this? How were they not burnt out by now?

When you found your seat at the front of the classroom, you slumped into your seat to catch your breath some more. As you were busy doing so, the other students suddenly erupted into loud cheers. Knitting your brows in confusion, you whipped around in spot and took in the cause for such commotion.

A boy waltzed into the classroom casually and immediately, classmates came up to surround him. Upon further inspection, it was noted that it was the same guy who was challenged in the courtyard today. Indeed, the red gelled up hair and amber eyes were too noticeable to forget. Though he was in a t-shirt earlier, he was now changed back into the school uniform, so his tattoos were covered.

"Okay class, settle down now," the teacher, Mr. Orochi hollered. The students quieted down and returned to their seats, their gazes still upon the elite who had just entered the room. "Ginjirou, why were you not in class yesterday?"

The boy blinked up to him innocently, scratching at his head for a bit. "Huh? Oh, I apologize. I got a little sick, you see. But I'm all better now."

Everyone knew that was a lie and so did the teacher. Not pleased with his answer, the teacher merely frowned. You were shocked to hear he was going let it slide though. Was this a benefit of being an elite? "I understand... well, head on to your desk then. You sit right there behind Ms. [L/N]."

If you were surprised then, you were about to fall out of your seat in shock now. Watching the boy make his way through the aisles to reach where Mr. Orochi's finger pointed, you fought the grimace on your face. Of course. Of fucking course. Another elite for you to encounter. You knew you should've been suspicious yesterday to see an empty desk behind you. But why? Why were these elites everywhere you go? Wasn't the objective of this second life just to pass through high school? As far as you knew, you were not main character material.

Ginjirou slipped into his seat, his aura already giving off from here. It was like a warm breath breathing down your back. To say it was uncomfortable was an understatement. You were beginning to feel... almost self conscious. Confidence seeped from him like liquid as he easily spoke to the other students nearby, totally ignoring the lecture already. Your shoulders tensing up, the self consciousness faded into frustration. The one time you get to learn, you had to sit by him?! Luck never seemed to be on your side.

As the hour went on, you furiously scribbled down your notes, taking in all the knowledge the teacher explained. While stuck in your thoughts, a sudden touch on your shoulder nearly made you jolt in fear. The finger tapped on you again and you slowly turned your head over your shoulder to meet those glowing hues. They burned into you and the intensity of the gaze was enough to send your heart pounding again. He was so scary... in a beautiful way.

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