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Dust in the air appeared in a calming presence to you like a warm blanket. Golden light stemmed from the windows, shadowing the library with its color. The library was also very homely, brown shelves stocked up with books ranging from any size or type. The place was rather huge, which should not be much of a surprise, considering this was a prestigious school. What was actually more shocking to you was that they would have one, because when a place dedicated so much of its time to athletic stuff, the last thing that would come to your mind were books.

But the moment you heard that the school had one from Eito, you rushed to it the moment the school bell rang. You needed some sort of normalcy for once, a place that could provide you the knowledge you yearned for. The information provided by the textbook from class was not even nearly sufficient. You needed more and more and more. You needed books that could distract you from this whole dilemma and books that made you smarter. The smarter, the better. If you had been smarter, you would've known what to do to save yourself during that bus crash. If you were smarter, you would know what to do to leave this damn webtoon-y world. It was never enough.

Grazing your fingertips against the spines of the books, you narrowed your [e/c] hues in frustration. What was this? These were mainly books about tips and tricks to succeed an athletic skill. There were no signs for educational books. Searching high and low for anything that wasn't about the stupid courses to this stupid school, you were out of breath in the end. This was a fail, as you hadn't found a single book that interested you.

You sighed to yourself and as you did so, something -- or rather, someone caught your eye. Looking past the gaps of the bookshelf, you saw familiar tousled, blue hair. Brows rose, you curved around the shelf and entered the clearing where fancy, ebony tables were propped up to use. Namiko... was it? It had been a little over a week since school started, but you hadn't spoken to him since that first day. He was more so on the reserved side it seemed, but the main reason why you hadn't spoken to him was because the teacher moved you to the other side of the room for archery. He thought you were cheating through Namiko... to be fair, that was exactly what you were doing. But still, archery was a whole hell a lot harder on your own now. Fuck you, Asano.

He was still attractive as hell though. The boy was elegantly leaning on the chair, his blue gaze focused on the book in front of him. Thick lashes fluttered slightly and his hair almost looked to be swaying, with no wind in the room. Just by sitting there, he was radiating, capturing the attentions of all the other students in the room. Girls left and right had their eyes stuck on him. He couldn't seem to perceive how much he stood out though. You rolled your eyes. You didn't need to read webtoons to know that it was thing in these comics.

You did say to avoid elites, but this was necessary. He knew this school way better than you do, so perhaps he could help you find a section in this huge ass library that contained shit that you would read. If not him, then who else? You barely spoke to anyone besides these elites.

Approaching him, you ignored the glares that were suddenly aimed towards you. Why were people so petty? If they were so jealous of you, why didn't they go approach the boy too then? It wasn't like these elites were gods or property they owned. When he looked up, he widened his sea blue eyes in slight surprise.

"Hey Namiko... Do you remember me?" you asked him politely in a low whisper.

"Yeah, you're the girl I helped you cheat--"

"Shh! It's not cheating. You were just helping a friend out," you protested, cheeks flaming.

"Right... so what are you here for?"

Analyzing the book he had in his hand, you grew dismayed to see that it was titled Tips and Tricks to Aim Straight. Of course it was something related to archery. If that was so, would that mean he may not know where a normal book section was? Or that a section may not even existed? If this was true, you were so screwed.

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