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A plate filled of pasta in his hand, Eito slipped into the seat before you. Taking a fork out, he took a bite and his eyes widened in awe. His reaction was somewhat adorable that you couldn't help but watch him, a hint of a smile on the lips. However, that was soon cut short when his gaze snapped upwards to meet yours. "Want some?" he offered innocently, holding his utensil out towards you. Quickly shaking your head, you tore a huge chunk of your sandwich and chewed it long and hard. The heat spreading throughout the face was quite hard to ignore.

"Say Eito," you said, once you swallowed the food. He glanced up with interest, cocking an eyebrow. The male patiently waited for you to proceed, while you struggled to find the words to your inquiry. Would it be insensitive to say this? You weren't sure, but it had been bugging you for a while and you couldn't sit back anymore. "Why are you failing your classes on purpose?"

His figure stiffened, confirming your thoughts. Dark hues darkened even further and the peaceful look on his face was now dirtied by a scowl. The fork was slowly returned to the plate and a chair croaked as the seated shifted. Shit. Should you retract it? He was obviously uncomfortable by the question... maybe even angered?

Voice cold and jarring, it was enough to have you freeze on the spot. "Is it really any of your business?"

"I..." you choked out, clenching your shaking fists. This was unfair. He brought it up the second day and now he was shutting it down. Why would he do that? Anyone in your position would be confused as to why anyone -- much less him, would say that. He was attending Dawning High, one of the most expensive schools and yet, he was here to fail. It just didn't make sense. "I suppose it's not. Sorry for being nosy."

Letting out a sigh, he used a finger to tuck a loose strand behind his ear. "No. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I'll let you in on my reason."

"Y-You are?" you uttered, jaw dropped in shock. "Are you sure? You don't have to feel forced or anything if--"

He shook his head, his features smoothening out with a gentle look. "Don't worry about it. It's not that serious." Setting his elbows against the surface of the table, he leaned his chin down upon his hands. Furrowing his forehead slightly, he was in deep thought for a minute or two. "Okay... I guess you could say that I'm failing classes as an act of rebellion, sort of. I want to see if there's any way to changing the school system. Maybe I'm optimistic but it's starting to get out of hand. I don't want to be a bystander and support such a thing anymore. Too often than not do I run into homeless or poor families that had their fates set in stone because they were not gifted nor skilled. It's fucked up... and it pisses me off."

As he explained his situation, the more he was getting fired up. No doubt, he was passionate about this. But... this was the last thing you had expected. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Blinking at him in awe, your heart squeezed tight against your chest and you scrunched up the fabrics of your jeans. Hope sprouted within you, tingling your nerves as you sat there. Was he right? Should the system be replaced? Would it even be remotely possible?

"That's such a big goal," you said breathlessly. "Where would you start?"

"I want to go around and see if anyone else has the same objectives... those who want to see the system in shambles or at least those who could be swayed to take part." He chuckled nervously and lowered his eyes, lashes flitting downward. "I know it sounds impossible, but I want to try. What about you, [Y/N]? Is there a chance you would be interested in this? No pressure, of course."

You thought back to the magical notebook that sat there in a drawer at home. You had to graduate school in this world, it said. What would happen if you didn't graduate? What if the school system changed and you did graduate? Would it count? So many questions and not enough answers. You had a feeling that even if you wrote down your questions to the notebook, it wouldn't answer you anyway. What a useless resource.

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