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Jake Prov

Michael said, "So, you're the boss of your older brother?"

I said, "Yes."

Michael said , "So, does he listen to you?"

I said , "Yes, he does. He didn't before, and he kept getting in trouble. I would save him, but I got tired of it and one night, a few days after he arrived on Earth, he and a few of his friends did some damage to someone's property. He wasn't allowed to be out that night, so when I picked him up from the police station and we got home, I told him that I was sick of the way he was acting. I told him if he was going to act like a 3-year-old, I would treat him like one. I told him that it was his last night being a big boy and the next day at 5pm, I would put him in a diaper. I knew he didn't believe me, so the next day at around 5, I told him to go to the bathroom. I came back 10 minutes later and told him to come with me. We walked into his room and when he got inside, he saw the crib and then saw his servant walk in with a diaper. He then knew I was actually going to diaper him, and he said, 'Jake, I'm sorry. I promise I'll behave now.' I told him I'm sorry, but my mind is made up. You had your chance to behave. I told him to get on the changing table. He did, and I took off his pants and underwear and put a diaper on him. I then picked him up and put him in the crib and he has been in a diaper ever since."

Michael said , "So, he didn't fight it?"

I said, "No, I think he knew he really messed up and fighting it would only make it worse."

Michael said, "Ok."

I then put a movie on, and we watched a movie. 30 minutes later, both Adam and Matthew were asleep.

Michael said , "Jake, can I um... Can I wear a pull-up?"

I said, "Yes, if you want to."

Michael said, "Yeah, when I got stuck at 6 years old for a week and had no bladder or bowel control, you had me wear pull-ups. Now, even though I'm 11 again and can control my bladder and bowel, I miss the pull-ups. I know it's weird but..."

I cut him off and said, "Michael, its not weird. Come with me." I grabbed his hand and took him to the restroom. I pulled his pants and underwear off and put a pull-up on him. I handed him his pants, he put them on, and we left the restroom and went back to our seats.

I said, "Michael, you're not the only one on the plane that's wearing. Both Adam and Matthew are wearing because they like to."

Michael asked, "Jake, do you wear?"

I said, "Yes, but only to bed."

Michael said, "Ok," and we continued watching the movie. 45 minutes later, Michael fell asleep. We flew for another 4 hours and landed. Michael, Adam, and Matthew were still asleep, so I picked up Adam and put him on my left arm with his head on my shoulder. I then picked up Michael on my right arm with his head on my right shoulder. I put my hand under Matthew's bum and picked him up. I had Adam on my left arm with his head on my left shoulder, Michael on my right arm with his head on my right shoulder, and Matthew in the middle with his head on my right shoulder. I walked out of the plane. I felt that both Adam and Matthew had poopy pull-ups. We got to the car and I placed them in the back seat. I put all the seat belts on and got in the front seat. Bradley got in the driver's seat and we drove to my house. On the way there, Michael, Adam, and Matthew woke up. We pulled into the driveway.

Matthew said, "Wow, Jake, your house is huge."

I said, "Yes."

We walked into the house. I took Michael to his room and then took Matthew to his room. I put a changing mat down, took off his pants and pull-up, wiped him clean, and put a clean pull-up on him. I was about to put his pants on when Matthew said, "It's ok, I'll just wear a shirt and my GoodNite."

I said, "Ok, go to the living room." He went to the living room and I went to my room. Adam was waiting for me, so I changed him.

Adam said, "Jake, I'll stay in your room for a while."

I said, "Ok, here is your iPad." I then went to Michael's room.

Michael said, "Jake, can you change me?"

I said, "Yes, get on this." I put a changing mat down. He got on it and I took his pants and poopy pull-up off, wiped him clean, and put a new pull-up on him.

Michael asked, "Jake, is it ok if I just wear a GoodNite and a shirt?"

I said, "Yes, it is alright." We walked to the living room and Michael sat down next to Matthew.

Matthew said, "Michael, you're wearing too?"

Michael said, "Yes."

Matthew said , "Why?"

Michael said , "Because last week when Jake turned me into a baby to show me he could, I got stuck at 6 years old when he went to return me to 11. I lost my bladder and bowel control, so I had to wear. Two days ago, I turned back to 11 and got my bladder and bowel control back, but I missed wearing. So today on the plane, I asked Jake if I could wear, and he said yes."

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