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Adams Prove

Someone knocks on the door.

I walk downstairs and open the door.

There is a kid around 13 and a younger kid around 7 or 8.

I say "hello."

The older boy says , "So how are the 2 new babies doing, Adam?"

I say , "How do you know my name?"

The older boy says , "Hi Michael, how are you?"

I look behind me and see Michael. Michael says, "I'm good, Jake."

I say, "You two know each other?"

Jake say, "Michael and I have been friends for about a month now. A week ago, Michael told me what his parents did to you, so I told him I could turn his parents into babies. He didn't believe me, so I asked him if I could prove it by turning him into a baby. He said yes, so I put a needle in his arm and he turned into a baby. Unfortunately, when I went to turn him back to 11, he got stuck at the age of 6 years old for a week."

Michael adds, "Jake did warn me that I could get stuck for about a week somewhere between being a baby and 11."

Jake continues, "So Adam, I started thinking of ways to turn Michael's parents into babies. I couldn't use the needle because I was out of them, and it would have taken a month until I got more. So, I decided I would make a powder, but it takes a week to make. A week ago, I came over to get you for the week but when I got here, I used this device I invented that lets me see through walls. I saw that Michael's parents found out about you wetting the bed and I knew I wouldn't be able to get you, so I went back home and sent Michael's parents an email. After about 20 minutes, I convinced them to get the powder and told them it would be there in a week. I also told them if they have any other kids, to have them stay over at friends' houses. Michael's parents then texted Michael to ask if he could stay at my house for the week. We waited for a few minutes and replied with yes. Then earlier today, I had my servant drop off the powder."

I say, "Ok, but how did you know I would open the door, bring the package inside, replace the powder with sugar, put the powder in the sugar container, and then seal everything back up?"

Jake says , "I didn't."

I say, "But if I didn't do all that stuff, then I would have been turned into a baby."

Jake says , "No, Adam," and brushes my hair, "Even if you ate the powder, you wouldn't be a baby. The powder was made so it would only affect Michael's parents."

I say, "how did you know that they would consume some?"

Jake says, "I didn't know Michael's parents would consume the powder. I thought they would put the powder in something and have you eat it. So, I made the powder so you could consume it and Michael's parents would turn into a baby even if they didn't consume any."

I say, "So if they managed to give me the powder, they still would have turned into babies?"

Jake says , "Yes."

I say "thank you" and give him a hug.

Jake says, "No problem, kiddo."

I then see the younger kid whisper into Jake's ear, but I don't hear what he says.

Jake says, "Ok, Adam," and picks him up and goes into the bathroom. He comes out about 10 minutes later and introduces, "So Adam, this is Adam. He's 8."

I say, "I'm 8 too."

Jake asks, "So Adam, what's your middle name?"

I say, "Are you talking to me?"

Jake says, "Yes."

I say, "My middle name is Matthew."

Jake says, "Ok, Michael. I will call you Matthew from now on if that's alright."

I say, "Yes it is"

Michael suggests, "Adam, why don't you come with me? I've set up some video games."

Adam looks at Jake and Jake says, "Go ahead, Adam." Then, Michael and Adam go upstairs.

I say Jake, "Did you regress Adam?"

Jake says , "No, Adam is my little brother."

I ask, "So are you here to check on the new babies?"

Jake says , "No, Matthew. I'm here to look after you and Michael."

Suddenly, I get a very strong urge to go pee. I start walking to the bathroom and I start peeing uncontrollably, soaking my pants. Jake picks me up and carries me to the bathroom, takes off my pants and underwear, puts a pull-up on me, and hands me clean pants. He leaves the bathroom and I put my pants on, leave the bathroom, and go back to the front door. Jake is mopping up my pee.

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