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"You know that I like it when you have that look,” I told him teasingly. The side of my lip can’t help but curl because of the hot tension I was feeling inside as I look at his gorgeous form. 

He was extremely dapper and hot, especially tonight at this grand party we were invited. This party is particular for one of the bachelors, something like a welcome home party.

Everyone looked their best, especially the bachelors of the Salvados. Well, not to brag but these sought-out bachelor’s eyes were on me. I’m not the only one who noticed their gazes, this gorgeous human in front of me looked very composed but I can see his discomfort and jealousy inside. I can’t help but feel ecstatic about the thought of him being jealous and dangerous! 

He did not even reply to my teases, instead a hard clench of jaw made me confirm my intuition. In my head, I was jumping in joy to see him this serious and affected. 

He won’t look at me, his glares fixated in front. 
He won't look at me so I turned my attention to the man of the hour. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's all give our warmest welcome to Valentin Salvado," everyone applauded with their hands and gaping mouths as Valentin Salvado walked on the stage. 

The man they call Valentin is tall and big, oh not big- big, but big as in gym frequent. His ears turned a little redder because of the spotlight directly following him, making him look even more fair. From where I am sitting, I can tell that this man grooms clean with his shaven head and five o'clock shadow. He looked like he smelled of musk or after shave. Handsome. 

"Thank you, thank you," he laughed a little and sighed. "Really, there is nothing to celebrate but since you are all here now, might as well enjoy what my family had prepared for all of you," Little curve on his lip peeked evidently.

"I've been back home 2 days ago and my family intended those days for me to rest alone, didn't know they were preparing this big surprise," everyone laughed with him. He coughed and continued, "Most of you know that today is my birthday, I thank you for all the greetings I've been receiving. Enjoy the rest of the evening, goodnight!" He finishes quickly lifting the champagne glass in his hand. 

Feeling like I wanted to go home, I stood up and directed towards the house for the powder room. Christian was quick to notice so he followed me, I let him because he wouldn't listen if I told him not to. He said it's part of his job. 

He stood outside the powder while I took my time, but instead of retouching or doing my thing, I was thinking of Valentin's familiar face and trying to remember where I possibly saw him. When nothing made sense anymore, I gave up thinking and went outside. But it seemed like things gave me the answer I just needed.

"Do you know where the woman you were with in Chicago? I think you're her friend or protector. Can you tell me where to find her?" Valentin asked to Christian, looking lightened and hopeful, different from the timid and serious Valentin who was welcomed by people earlier. 

"I don't think I have seen you before, Mr. Valentin." 

"Is that so?" Valentin nodded simply, looking quite disappointed at how I saw him. "I'm sorry, must have been someone else. I am just looking for the woman I saw in Chicago, I can't forget her since that night." 

Chistian's back was in my view, Valentin couldn't see me because they were at the end of the hallway while I was leaning close to the wall, enough to see and hear them converse. 

Was Valentin referring to me? I've been to Chicago for a night months back to comfort Lisa who had her heart broken that time, but it seemed like all a blur to me because we got wasted. But I did remember going back home hungover for the first time in my life. 

I looked at Valentin who was then walking away. I was quick to notice Christian to see me standing there, looking surprised but he retained his serious face, like always. 

"Are you done? Do you want to go home now?" He seriously asked. 

"Uhm," looking for where Valentin might have gone. "Okay." I gave up and looked back at Christian quickly. 

The ride back home was quiet that it felt like forever. When we finally got home, Christian opened the car door for me and I went straight inside the house. Our long muted silence was interrupted when I decided to break it. 

"Christian," He halted checking around the house and looked at me. "Good night." I said and the serious look on his face was gone. 

I knew he was about to say it back when a knock on the door interrupted him. 

We both looked at the door and he was quick to get it first. 


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