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Your POV

"Shin.... Shin Y/N."

The man scanned his papers and looked up at me with a smuggish grin.

"You're in luck miss. We have your sister in the third class cafe."

I shot my head up at him with wide eyes.

"My-my what?!"

"Your sister m'am."

"I don't have a sister. Clearly there must be some mistake."

"A brother then?"

My heart is practically in my stomach hearing his words. There must be someone else with the same last name as Ryujin's. As much as I pray that we're thinking of the same person I know that I shouldn't get my hopes up. I saw what happened last night.

"I have no relatives. They all died last night." I assure him.

"Very well then miss."

And he walks off.

I sit down on a blanket lying on the floor and I try desperately to get everything that happened out my head.

I miss her.

But I'll never forget her.

I'm going to fulfill the promise I kept to her before she -

"She's right over this way Miss Shin right?"

That same sunken feeling took over my stomach again upon hearing that name coming from the same voice I talked to earlier.

"She thought all of her family had died in the tragedy. Isn't it just God's miracle for you two to be reunited. I hope you all the best." The Immigration official said

I sit still. Not moving a muscle. Until I felt a touch on my shoulder that made me cringe at the thought of it being someone else's hand.


I look slowly. Opening my eyes just a tad.

I almost threw up.

It was her.

It was really her.

"Mother how did you find me? I thought I told Jaehyun -"

"Y/N, please dear listen to me."

"I will not. I won't. Get away please."

"I have something for you."

"Goodbye mother. Again."

As I get up to hurry away I feel a hold on my wrist pulling me back.

"Mother I said -"

"Y/N you don't wanna stay with me?"

I turned around and i saw Ryujin, standing infront me of me and alive

"......Ryujin? can't be-"

"Sweetheart, I'm here."

Ryujin grabbed me. It was Ryujin. She actually touched me. Her fingers were absolutely freezing but I didn't care. I got to touch her again.

"Y/N, Jaehyun told me what you said. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the mother you wanted but I did love you and I still do and I will always. The way I've been acting was horrendous on my part and I apologize. I found Ryujin for you. I love you Y/N. If you are to ever want to reconnect with me. Please. Don't hesitate."

And with that...she left.

"Ryujin, what the hell? I thought you know." i say holding her cheeks

"I thought so too sweetheart. I must've went into shock or passed out or something but baby it's a miracle! Another boat came back and got me." Ryujin said while doing a little dance

"I can't believe I thought I lost you Ryujin." Y/N held on ryujin, still somewhat in shock that shes alive

"Well Y/N you don't have to worry about losing me anymore. I'll always be with you no matter what." Ryujin reassured her

"I love you Ryujin." Y/N says while looking into her soft brown eyes

"I love me too Y/N." Ryujin says jokingly

"Don't push it."

"Stop it, you know I love you." Ryujin said nudging my arm.

"Gimme a kiss Y/N." Ryujin said

Y/N gave Ryujin a very hard but passionate kiss, knowing that they will okay.


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