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South Hampton, England April 10, 1912

"I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's no bigger than the Mauretania."

Out the window I see the extravagant ocean liner ship that was to be taking me to New York. Everyone was talking about it. It was in the newspaper, on the radio, and the topic at parties.

Over 50 tons I heard it was. But still I wasn't interested.

I'm Y/N L/N  and I'm 17 years old.

My personal valet opens the door for my fiance. Jung Jaehyun.

The thirty year old heir to his father's fortune. He's handsome, arrogant, and rich beyond meaning. We were soon to be married once we got to New York.

Ever since my father passed, my mother had been looking for me a husband so that we don't lose our fortune. I don't understand my mother, she would absolutely die if we were to lose our place in high society. She's a socialite back in our hometown of Kejio (a/n, Seoul was called Kejio back in the early 1900s) and she expects me to marry wealthy.

"You can be blasè about some things Y/N, but not the Titanic. It's over a hundred feet longer than the Mauretania. It has courts, private pools, marble baths..."

Jaehyun turns to high five my mother Eunjung, who exits out of the car behind us.

"Your daughter is much too hard to impress, your step."

"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable." My mother says as she gazes up at the large ship.

"It is. God himself couldn't sink this ship. We'd better hurry ladies."

Jaehyun motions for us to follow him to board the ship. We all walk through the doors as my maid Yeji trails behind me.

As we're boarding the ship, a third class father is standing on the deck filming his new bride. Beautiful! His two sons run past bumping into Jaehyun.

"Steady!" Jaehyun shouts

"Sorry about that mate." The man apologizes as he chases after his sons.

"Steerage swine." Jaehyun whispers under his breath.

"Honestly Jae if you weren't booking everything at the last minute we wouldn't even have to have gone through this terminal looking as though we're some squalid immigrant family." My mother said.

"Well, it's all apart of my charm my dear Eunjung. You know if it wasn't for your daughter's extravagant beauty rituals we would've been on board much earlier."

"You told me to change." I remarked. I wasn't going to stand and be submissive. Although I was indeed expected to be, I didn't want to be a victim of today's absurd society standards.

"I didn't want you wearing black, sweet pea. Especially not on sailing day. It's bad luck."

"I felt like black."

Jaehyun ignores me and guides us to our stateroom.  It was grand indeed. I put all of my belongings in my room and hang up my paintings.

"I pull all the strings imaginable to get you the most luxurious suite in the most well sought after ship, and you act as if you're awaiting your execution."

Jaehyun possessively puts his hand on my shoulder as he kisses my cheekbone. I watch him leave and I feel relief in the atmosphere. It was the ship of dreams to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship, taking me to America in chains.

Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. On the inside I was screaming. I wonder what will await me in this esteemed ship, the Titanic.

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