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Third Person POV

Ryujin and Y/N run out of the palm court into a dense crowd. Ryujin pushes her way to the rail and looks at the state of the ship. The bridge is under water and there's chaos on deck. Ryujin helps Y/N put her lifejacket on. People stream around them, shouting and pushing.

"Okay...we have to keep moving ahead. We have to stay on the ship as long as possible."

They push their way through the panicking crowd. Lifeboat A is whirled like a leaf in the currents around the shining ship. It slams against the side of the forward funnel.

"Row! Row you bastards!!" Jaehyun screams at the crew in the boat. Nearby Chaeryeong is drawn up against the grate of a vent as water pours through it. The force of tons of water roaring down the ship traps him against it, and she is dragged down under the surface as the ship sinks. she struggles to free herself but cannot. Suddenly there is a concussion deep in the bowels of the ship as a furnace explodes and a blast of hot air belches out of the ventilator, ejecting Chaeryeong. She surfaces in a roar of foam and keeps swimming.

Back on the B deck, Ryujin and Y/N clamber over the A-Deck rail. Then, using all her strength, Ryujin lowers Y/N toward the deck below, holding on with one hand. She dangles, then falls. Ryujin jumps down behind her.

They join a crowd of people literally clawing and scrambling over each other to get down the narrow stairs to the well deck, the only way. Seeing that the stairs are impossible, Ryujin climbs over the B-Deck railing and helps Y/N over. She lowers her again, and she falls in a heap.

The ship groans and shudders. The man ahead of Ryujin is walking like a zombie.

"Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death--"

"You wanna walk a little faster through that valley, fella?" Ryujin interrupted


The cables along the top of the funnel of the ship snaps, and they lash like steel whips down into the water. Jaehyun watches as the funnel topples from it's mounts. Falling like a temple pillar twenty eight feet across, it whomps into the water with a tremendous splash. People swimming underneath it disappear in an instant. Chaeryeong, a few feet away, is hurled back by a huge wave. she comes up, gasping... still swimming. The water pouring into the open end of the funnel draws in several swimmers. The funnel sinks, disappearing, but hundreds of tons of water pour down through the 30 foot hole where the funnel stood, thundering down into the belly of the ship.

A whirlpool forms a hole in the ocean, like an enormous toilet flush. Bang Chan, swims in a frenzy as the vortex draws him in. He is sucked down like a spider going down a drain. Chaeryeong, nearby, swims like hell as more people are sucked down behind her. she manages to get clear. She's going to live no matter what it takes.

Water roars through the doors and windows, cascading down the stairs like rapids. Jeon Jungkook is swept down the marble steps to A-Deck, which is already flooded. He grabs the headless statue bust at the bottom of the staircase and wraps his arms around it. Jungkook looks up in time to see the 30 foot glass ceiling dome overhead explode inward with the wave of water washing over it.

A niagara of sea water thunders down into the room, blasting through the first class opulence. It's an armageddon of elegance. The flooding is horrific. Walls and doors are splintered like kindling. Water roars down corridors with pile-driver force.

The Won family (remember little Sooyun from the third class party?) is at the top of a third class stairwell, jammed against a locked gate like Ryujin and Y/N were. Water boils up the stairwell behind them. Sooyun's Father, Won Jihoon shakes the gate profusely shouting for help. Little Sooyun wails as the water boils up around them all.

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