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Your POV

It's night, and as I'm undressing for bed I see Jaehyun standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I can see him through the cracked vanity. He starts to walk closer.

"I know you've been melancholy, and I don't intend to know why."

From behind his back I notice a large velvet jewelry box. I take it numbly.

"I intended to save this until the engagement gala next week. But tonight, I give it as a reminder of my feelings for you."

I slowly open the box. Inside is a necklace..."HEART OF THE OCEAN" all it's glory. It's enormous, a malevolent blue glittering under the dim lights.

I stare at the huge blue diamond in awe. I had been given nice things all my life, but coming from Jaehyun it made me realize what my life was to soon become. And I'm not ready at all.

Jaehyun takes the necklace away from me and puts it around my neck. "It was once worn by Louis the Sixteenth. They called it 'Le Cœur de l'Ocean' the..."

"The Heart of the Ocean. Jaehyun, this is really overwhelming."

"It's for royalty Y/N, and we are royalty."

Jaehyun gazes at us both in the mirror as he caresses my neck and throat with his fingers. His emotions are, for the first time, unguarded.

"There's nothing in this world that I couldn't give you Y/N. There's nothing I'd deny you. Open your heart to me Y/N."


Your POV

I unlatch the gate to go down to third class to talk to Ryujin. As I'm walking everyone is staring at me. Wondering what the hell I'm doing down here. I walk into the room where Ryujin is and all the activity stops. Everyone is staring, some with resentment and some with awe. I spot Ryujin and smile as she smiles and gets up.

"Hello." I say trying to keep eye contact and not feel self-conscious.

"Oh hey again!"

"May I speak with you please?"

"Sure." She continues to stand there with that funny grin on her face."In private?"

"Oh, right! Okay. Sorry guys I gotta go."

-- on the deck --

"My name is L/N Y/N."

"Woah, that sure is a mouthful. I might have to get you to write that down for me."

There's an awkward pause.

"Miss Shin I --"


"Ryujin...I feel like such an idiot. It took me all morning to work up the courage to come and talk to you."
"Well, here you are."

"Here I am. I..I wanted to thank you for what you did. Not just for pulling me back but for your discretion."

"You're welcome Y/N."

"Look, I know what you must be thinking. A poor little rich girl. What does she know about misery."

"That's not at all what I was thinking. What I was thinking was...what could have hurt this girl so badly that led her to think that there was no way out."

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