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TW - Heavy NSFW

Finally a Happy Chapter!

(Ana POV)

It was like a dream...

Or was it real?...

I had him. A man that loved me. I can barely see him. I can barely remember his face. What was his name?

Children..there were children, no..there were teenagers. 

Why can't I remember anything?

God it's cold. I'm so cold.

Voices break through softly, slowly getting louder. A beeping sound echoing close by. No..Three sets of beeping.

"How is it possible?..I mean I know how but.." A man's voice speaks nervously.

"Maybe she had one last fun night with White Wolf before...you know" A woman with an accent spoke plainly. As if it was an obvious answer.

"This is too weird.."

"It's better we tell her first. Now that she's cured, she can.."

"Shuri, Banner... Ana's status shows she is waking up." A somewhat mechanical Scottish voice interrupted their conversation.

I could feel my arms now, my heavy eyelids, even the cotton texture in my mouth. I didn't know who they were or what exactly they were talking about but I had no choice but to trust them..right?

I slowly open my eyes, grateful there were dim lights above me. I open my mouth to speak but get stopped.

"No don't talk. You need water first and to get your bearings." The man I assume was Banner spoke up.

I nod groggily. I look around the room. It was strange, white and metallic. Plants and small trees soothing the place to be more comfortable. The man put a straw on my lips and I willingly drank a stomach full of water. It hurt at first..I must have been dehydrated.

"Can you talk now?" I watched the man put the cup down then run his fingers through his graying hair.

"Y-yes.." He helps me to sit up while the woman looks through a hologram of medical records and blood results..wait how do I know what that is?

"How are you feeling?"


"That's normal" the man says running his hands together nervously.

"I'm sorry, I...who are you?" I ask. He was acting familiar and I didn't know why. Was he a friend? Family? The way he cared for me made me think husband maybe?

"You...What's your name?" He asked now with concern.

"I..don't know"

"What do you remember last?"

"..I...I don't know" I start to cry. Who the hell am I? Where the hell am I?

"Shh it's okay. it's okay. I'm Bruce Banner, this is Princess Shuri of Wakanda. We are your doctors of sorts, also your friends." I look at the woman who gives me a soft kind smile. "You're name is Ana Barnes. Before you went to sleep you suffered a stroke. I guess it's why you have amnesia."

"Ana..Barnes?" I say thinking about it. It seemed so foreign

"Barnes..." I say it again and again. The name just melted on my tongue, like I was meant to say it.

"Yes, Barnes. Your um...Husbands last name." My eyes shoot up to him I'm married? Actually married?

"What?..Where is he? Maybe...seeing him will help me remember who I am" I desperately shuffle myself up to a sitting position. 

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