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TW - A little bit of....SPICE

It's been two straight weeks of training. I do morning hand to hand combat with Nat, after that sword skills with Clint. After lunch I practice with my powers. Then I spend the rest of the afternoon in the new medical wing making sure all the updates Tony is adding are good. He even ordered one of Doctor Cho's cradles. Everyone has agreed to tell me about HYDRA soon. They just want to make sure I can defend myself and handle my abilities before they do. I didn't like it but I agreed.

The boys haven't been avoiding me, but they stopped all the flirting shit. I was actually pretty damn happy about it. Gave me a chance to work on what I needed to work on. James seems to be fully recovered and back to fighting Steve in the training room. Pietro has gotten more attentive to his surroundings, so no more cuts from him, at least in the past week.

"Hey kid, there you are" Tony walks into my new office as I am setting up books on my bookshelf.

"Where else would I be?" I smile towards him. He knows I'm mostly on the medical wing.

"I got something for you" I turn around interested. He pulls a big frame from behind his back. It had a certificate in it with my name..and PHD after...

"Oh my god..when?...how?...." I was breathless. I finally went back to school only to be advanced to my school finals thanks to Tony, Bruce, and Doctor Cho's recommendations. I still haven't gotten my scores yet.

"I made a few phone calls to get the answers. I said you are THE Avengers Doctor and we need your degree to proceed with you working for us." I grab the frame, tears falling down my eyes.

"I...I don't know what to say" My mother would be so proud of me, the official Avengers Doctor...

"You don't have to say anything, you did all the work, I just made sure the idiots at the University saw it" I laughed at his remarks. "Where are you placing it? I always thought just above your head is a great way to make people feel small." I purse my lips and narrow my eyes.

"Not all of us have the ego you do Tony. I think..." I go to where I put my moms picture frame on the bookshelf "Right above my mom, would be a great spot" Tony gets a nail and hammer setting it up to where I wanted the frame. I put it up while he balances it to be perfect. I wipe tears from my face and sigh.

"You did good kid" He gives me a quick hug. "Wait, does this mean I have to call you Doc? Dr. Garcia..Dr. Ana?" I giggle.

"Just Ana, Tony" I pick up more books making sure they are alphabetical before placing them on the shelf.

"Just Ana it is" He smirks walking out "See you later just Ana" I shake my head, he's an idiot.


I check my watch to see it's dinner time. Half the team are out on missions, so there won't be a team dinner. I go down to the kitchen hoping to find some frozen microwavable to eat. I have my whole damn face shoved into the large freezer looking for something good, when I get scared out of my ass almost melting the whole thing.

"Hey" I jump out the freezer hitting my head on the door.

"Owe shit, are you insane, there are assassins in here that would kill you for less" I turn to see James leaning against the counter chuckling.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Steve had a mission." I rub the top of my head closing the freezer door.

"How?" I roll my eyes

"Jeez Buck, I'm your doctor I had to clear you for duty" I jump up to sit on the counter swinging my feet. "So what happened?"

"He wanted me to take more time before the mission" He looked upset at that

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