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The next morning I woke up to the sounds of a knock on my door. I groggily go to open it rubbing my eyes. I had cried again so my eyes were puffy and hard to open.

Natasha stood on the other side with what looked like a dozen bags.

"What time it is?" I groan out leaning against the door for dear life.

"It's 7am. I made some calls to get into stores early thinking you didn't want to wear Barnes clothes anymore. Here. You have an hour to change and eat before Stark and Bruce need you." She shoved the bags in my face forcing me to take it. I barely was able to say thank you before she walked away. Something had her in the mood. I doubt it was the shopping since she was excited about it yesterday.

I brushed my hair and teeth washing the fatigue out of my face. I take a quick shower and wrap myself around with a towel digging into the bags. I was surprised she got my size right for everything. Not really my style though, it's all a bit...spicy. One bag had a chain thing with a collar on it. The fuck she thinks I'm going to do with that?

I grab the simplest clothes, a pair of black shorts, and over sized white t-shirt and a loose leather vest. I noticed she got me shoes so I pick the buckled ankle boots that looked way too damn pretty not to wear this instant. The clock said seven thirty when I was done. So I head down to the kitchen. The living room was surprisingly empty and so was the kitchen. Do they wake up earlier than this?

I look around the cabinets having to talk myself into not eating the pop-tarts. Instead I grab a bowl and a spoon, opting for some cinnamon toast crunch. I haven't had that in months. I sit up on the counter and eat calmly, swinging my feet every now and then. I try not to think of my mom, I have cried too much. I don't need a building full of superheros thinking I'm a cry baby.

When I finish I clean my bowl and walk towards the lab. I click the elevator button a bit absent minded, walking in. Not noticing there was someone in there already. "No hi?" I heard getting startled. Steve was leaning against the wall in his Captain America uniform. He had a smug look on his face that I wouldn't expect from him.

"Oh, hi...sorry I was in my thoughts" I try to apologize. He was sweet to me yesterday after all, I didn't want to be rude to him.

"It's okay ma'am, you have a lot to think about." His voice was lower and sincere. At least he understood this was a lot for me to handle. "After you are done in the lab...do you uh..want to come to the training room? Get to learn about the group, I mean?" He sounded a bit nervous.

"Um, well I don't know how long I'll be in the lab so..." He made me feel awkward and I didn't like that, not now.

"Of course, not a problem" He choked up quickly. My floor came up so I walked out saying a quick goodbye, thankful I wasn't stuck in an elevator with him anymore. Don't get me wrong he seemed to be a kind man, but...he seemed like he wanted to always say something but never actually say it..it was freaking me out a bit.

I walk down various halls of rooms lined with windows and high tech shit until I land at a room where I hear what seems like a serious conversation being had.

"So she is just..what? walking around?" 

"She has a dampening cuff, she won't hurt anyone. Besides, you would like how she talks to Fury." That had to be Stark.

"Fine, just..I'm worried about the other guy not liking her too much." Is he talking about the Hulk?

"Oh he will like her. The whole team barely met her and they like her. Shit I like her, and I don't like anyone."

"Wait..not even me?"

"Well, I like you of course, you speak English"

"I speak geek"

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