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Sorry for the late drop, as I said in the conversations section of my page I had mental health issues this past week. All stories will be going back up a the regularly scheduled midnight drops. Thank you for being patient!

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(Bucky POV)

"Hey baby girl. Happy anniversary" I say sitting down in front the chamber Ana is in, with a plate in hand.

"This? Oh well..this is cake, it's not just any cake. It's our cake, from our wedding. Tony froze a few pieces for us to have throughout the years. Since you aren't here to eat it with me, I'll just have to be a glutton and eat it for you." I smile imagining her laugh. It's getting harder and harder to remember it.

I still come to check on her. Not every day, not anymore, but every other day or when I can. 

"Nat's wedding with Bruce last week was amazing. She had a picture of you next to the bridesmaids to have you there in spirit. I couldn't keep my eyes off of your picture. It was the one where you ran through the Botanical gardens in Brooklyn during Cherry Blossom season, you had finally been feeling better from the pregnancy so it was the perfect time to take you. Steve and I had them close off the entire place just for you... Your hair was covered in petals." I start laughing before I a put a forkful of cake in my mouth.

"I remember, you took a bite of your sandwich and gave this confused face like your food was bad." I start laughing louder. "Oh my god, I didn't have the heart to tell you that you were about to eat a flower. When you figured it out you chased me like an angry kid." I slowly stopped laughing thinking of what happened next. "I noticed we were far away from Steve... I pinned you against a tree and kissed you before you could argue." I sigh deeply. "I miss your kisses, doll."

"I uh..brought you a hot latte. It's a bit cold outside so, I thought hot coffee and cake would be a nice snack for us." I slide the hot cup of coffee over the table to be closer to her. I imagine her smile as she picks up the cup, smelling it through the steam that flows out. Then I look again to see the cup untouched, the steam flowing out into the nothingness of the air that surrounded us. I watch it for a moment. Before, I could hear everything she would want to say, her laugh. Now it is silent, I have to work on actually remembering the sounds her beautiful lips would make.

"Bucky?" Steve walks in quietly. "I know it's not a good time but..we have a lead on the producer of the serum. The kids are getting the jet, we just need you." He softly says. I nod not looking away from Ana.

"I'll be there in a minute" I can see him nod from the corner of my eyes then turn, walking out the room.

"I guess our anniversary has been cut short baby girl. I'll let you know if we find anything important. Hopefully this time we get good news." I get up sighing through my nose, a bit frustrated at the interruption. I put the plate of cake next to her coffee that was still steaming. I go up to her, placing my hand on the glass where her hand lay still on the other side.

"I love you, forever and always" I whisper then walk out, leaving the cake and coffee for a ghost that will never touch it, to get ready for the hundredth mission to find this damn cure.

Walking to the armory I watch Steve give orders to SHIELD agents that will apparently join us. I head in ignoring Clint grabbing his arrows and get my guns and knives. I put on finger-less fighting gloves and walk out. No one really asks me questions when I don't speak. They know it's a day I visited her. And today they all know it's our anniversary, the anniversary of her going into the chamber. So of all days, today is not a day to talk to me. I guess that's why it was Steve to tell me about the mission. I would probably fight anyone else for interrupting. 

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