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Walking into the training room felt different today. It was the first day of serious training. I was so nervous I had to push my powers down to not overheat anyone.

"Alright Ana, let's start with some self defense" Natasha lunged at me, dodging as much as I could but she was much faster than Sam was. She began showing me how to block since it would take less energy than dodging. After about half hour I was laid out on the floor catching my breath. "You're good, you need more training but..you're not a waste"

"Um...thanks" I breathed out trying not to feel insulted.

"EMERGENCY AT THE HELIPAD, TWO INJURED. MS. GARCIA IS REQUESTED IMMEDIATELY" FRIDAY yelled through building. I got up as fast as I could jogging to the elevator to reach the helipad.

Steve had James's arm over his shoulder. James was limping and bleeding from one leg. Pietro had a gash on his arm. "What the hell happened? This was supposed to be basic recon of a HYDRA facility" Natasha asked Steve, I twitched at the word HYDRA.

Steve didn't look at her, he was too busy with James "It was covered with agents, we started taking hits the minute we landed."

I go to Steve first since James's injury looked worse. "Assessment soldier" I don't know why I called him soldier but I could see a slight smirk through his worry.

"Metal shard lodged on his left leg, bullet wound on his left thigh, and a damn hard head" I nod looking down at James's leg. He was chuckling between the groans of pain.

"I can't do anything about the head but take him to the lab get him on a cot. Tell Bruce to start an I.V. and morphine" I turn to look at Pietro "What am I going to do with you always getting hurt?" He chuckles

"I am fine, just a scratch" He waved me off. I stopped him grabbing his arm making him groan in pain.

"Let me be the judge of that." I look his arm over. "You need at least five stitches, Bruce can take care of you while I handle James." I turn on my heel "I MEAN IT PIETRO" I knew he was going to try to avoid the lab to let everyone concentrate on James.

When I get there I take one of James's knives to cut his left pant leg down from the hip to the ankle. "Buy a guy dinner first doll" I side eye him. Even though he was covered in blood I couldn't help but notice how toned his legs were..his thighs...I shook my head to get out of those thoughts.

"Did you give him morphine?" I called out to Bruce. 

"Medicines burn up in our bodies too fast, the serum" Steve stated standing next to his best friend with worry on his face.

"Fine, elephant tranquilizers, this shit is going to hurt. Steve hold him down. Bruce give him three times the morphine dosage, I just need it to work long enough to get this damn thing out." I look around for surgical supplies. "Tony, any surgical kits?"

"Yea we were just stocking the new medical rooms, I'll go get it"

"He's losing too much blood. Do we have blood bags Bruce?" I start taking gauze and cleaning the metal shard so I can see it better

"On it" He runs out the room.

"FRIDAY, I need a leg scan now. I have to see what I'm doing." A scan of his leg appears on the wall above his head. I can see him start to get woozy. Alright.. "FRIDAY start the clock, If I can't get this out in fifteen Bucky is going to rampage and go into shock." Steve looked at me scared.

Bruce walks in attaching the blood bags to James. Thank god we had universal donor blood bags. Tony followed in after getting me the surgical kits, he began sterilizing them for me. I grab clamps to hold his veins and muscles in place while I take the metal piece out. Once I got it out I start sowing everything I can up as fast as I can. 

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