Leah crying was always a sad thing to watch. My heart ached every time, especially when she cried because of me.

"Obviously, I'm not good enough for you, so you might as well let me go." She expressed.

I shook my head. "Nah, not happening. I will never let you go."

"Will, you almost fucked another girl!"

"But, I didn't! I admit I fucked up, ight? I fucked up! I m owning up to it. I stopped the shit from happening cause I realized that I'd be making a huge mistake. Yeah, kissing her was wrong. I know that."

She shook her head. "Will-" She interrupted.

"Nah, lemme finish." I cut her off. "Kayla and I had some history. Did we ever date? No. Long story short we were best friends that grew up together, but she ended up moving away. After I met you, I forgot about her. Seeing her again, felt overwhelming, but regardless I don't want her."

"I don't see myself with her. Leah, you're the only one I see myself with. You've had my back since day one. You're my other half. I'm not gonna let you run from this. Baby, I know we can get through this together, but I need you right now. I don't need you to give up on me or us. I love you." I expressed as I looked deeply into her eyes.

She stood up and slowly walked towards me until she was standing in front of me. A moment of silence filled the space between us as we held eye contact. She cupped my face and pulled it towards hers, where our lips met. My hands found her waist and pulled her closer towards my body as our lips stayed connected. Once we parted, I rested my forehead against hers, taking in this moment as I held her.

She took a deep breath before releasing it. "I love you too." She said lowly.


Call me stupid or whatever, but for whatever reason, I couldn't let him go. I couldn't walk away and even if I did, I know somehow someway I'll find my way back to him. Why I love him so much? I don't know. Ugh! Love is a bitch and I'm deeply in it with him.

I'm willing to forgive him and move on, but trust, I'll forgive and I won't forget. He kissed me once more, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I traveled my hands up his chest and around his neck, giving him the opportunity to lift me from the ground, making me automatically wrap my legs around him.

Our lips were still locked as he gently laid me on the bed. He pulled back and graced my neck with kisses as his hands roamed my body. I closed my eyes enjoying his touch as a light moan escaped my lips. As much I was enjoying us like this, I had to stop us from going down that route. So, with the lil bit of strength I had, I stopped him.

"Will, wait." I sighed, pushing him back.

"What's wrong?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"I can't do this, not now at least."

He nodded. "Fair enough."

He moved from his position and laid on his back. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His hand found my waist and gave it a light squeeze.

"Why haven't you returned any of my calls or texts?"

"My dad took my phone and car keys." I answered.

"Damn, that's gotta suck."

"I knowww." I whined. "I'm not even supposed to be near you." I added.

"You can't stay away from me." He cheesed and I just rolled my eyes.

"My parents were pretty upset." He said.

"Who wouldn't be upset?"

He nodded. "Right."

I rubbed his chest as we laid there. "So, Danny and Aiden, huh?"


"I always felt he had a lil sweetness in him."

Will remained silent as his hand traveled down my waist to my butt, rubbing it.

"How you feel?" I asked as I looked up at him.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I wish they could've told me.

"They probably weren't comfortable yet."
I shrugged.

"Yeah, well the shit is out now, so." He trailed, shrugging his shoulders. "It's fucked up that me and Brayden are butting heads. We can't even play ball since we can't get along." He added shaking his head. "Shits crazy." He sighed.

"Everything will work itself out, Will. Don't stress about it."


We continued to lay there for a few minutes until I told him to leave.

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