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~2 Weeks Later~


It's been 2 weeks since the incident. 2 weeks since I've spoken to Leah. 2 weeks since I've talked to the gang and 2 weeks since I've talked to Kayla. It's been hell too. The incident been the hot gossip during this time. There was always someone coming up to me asking questions and shit. It was annoying as hell, but I bared it.

Basketball hasn't been going good either. We lost a few games and it's been tension between Brayden and I since the fight, so we got into it a few times on the court. It was so bad that we ended up getting benched. The team ain't really good without one of us, so we've been playing horribly lately. Coach ain't budging on letting us play either, so it's been crazy.

I tried calling and texting Leah a bunch of times, but she won't answer. I even tried speaking to her at practices and games, but each time is a fail. She won't look at me and when it's time to go, she quickly rush out the room. I notice her pops take her to and from school. If not him, her mom does. I can tell she doesn't like it by her face expression, which makes me wonder what happened to her car.

I even tried talking to her in class, but she gives me the cold shoulder. I feel horrible for hurting her. If I could take it all back I would. I just want us to be happy again. I was wrong for even entertaining Kayla the way that I did. That's something I'll always regret because my actions hurt the girl I really love.

I'm not holding up so good myself. I barely sleep and eat. I just haven't been myself. I mainly keep to myself nowadays. If it's not practice or work, I'm home. Mama and I've been talking a lil more now. She's still upset, but not as mad. Currently, it's 7 at night. Mama was home from work and I got in not too long ago.

I wanted to talk to Leah, so I was gone go over there and try my luck. I'm probably going to end up getting the same result, but it doesn't hurt to try. After I took a good shower and threw on some clothes, I told Ma where I was going. Afterwards, I was on the way to see my girl.

Her car was in the front when I pulled up. I hopped out my truck and knocked on the front door. I waited a few minutes until the door opened, revealing my beautiful girlfriend. She looked like she been sleeping. She was wearing a long shirt with her hair in a messy bun. Just as I was done checking her, she immediately slammed the door in my face.

I frowned at the sudden action. "Leah, open the door." I pleaded as I knocked on it.

"No, go away." She responded.

"Come on, baby. I'm sorry. I know I fucked up. I didn't mean for this shit to happen."

"I don't want to hear it, William. You can have that bitch. I'm done."

"Babe, don't say that. Let me in, so we can talk. Please." I pleaded after a moment of silence.

The door slowly opened and I wasted no time going inside. I locked the door behind me and followed her upstairs to her room. Leah plopped on her bed and looked at the TV that played some cartoon.

"Where are your parents?"

"Out." She responded blandly.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She sighed and lowered the volume before putting her attention on me.

"Look." She started. "You being here is a waste of both our time. There's really nothing you can say or do to fix this. You-" She paused as she gathered her words.

I could tell she was trying not to cry. I felt so bad. I was hurt seeing her like this.

"You hurt me, Will." Her tears escaped her eyes as she looked at me with a sad expression.

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