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It's funny how we laugh at little things. Cry over little things. Smile at little things. We make a big deal out of little things. It's funny how those little things are so big to different people. How just a persons smile or presence can make a persons day. How someone's laughter or knowing there ok relaxes them. It's amazing how that can happen. How just the touch of someone can drive them crazy or when you get a hug from just that one special person it can make you go crazy. It's just so cool how that works. But what about if that one person went away. What would you do then. Would you move on and just find someone else and forget about them? Is that how that works now? Because that's not cool. Did you really love that person? Or did you just lie and say it because you thought it was the right thing to say? Well guess what your young. We don't know what love it yet. But I know that I have a great idea of it. Love is when you can look past all of their flaws and mistakes. Where you don't care about their past or how much money they have. Or if they brake out crying during a movie or if they just make a big deal over little things. How just their smile or seeing them can make you automatically smile. How you would do anything for them. How even if you end up dating and break up your still best friends because you can't stay away from them for that long. That's what I call love. How no matter what you two will always be there for one another. How nothing could ever separate them. That's what I call love. That's my idea.

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