Safe and Sound

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"I love you... you know that right?" 

"Of course I do, Sasuke," 

"And that I will always protect you, no matter what?" 

"Yes, I do. I love you too," 


The old conversation drifted to Sasuke's head as a group of S-rank looking ninja approached Team 7. 4 members in all Team 7 readied themselves for the impending that was quickly approaching them.  

"Look! Boss, they have the demon kid!" one of the enemy ninja shouted pointing to the left side of Team 7, Naruto. 'No....! No!' Sasuke thought as the 'leader' of the group smirked and did some hand signs for a fire technique. Activating his Sharingan, Sasuke ran over in front of the blonde ninja and tried to counter the fire jutsu with his fireball technique.  

"Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura's scream shot through the air, as I spun around on my heels and slammed another enemy in the jaw, watching him as he slammed into a nearby tree. Sasuke walked over to the Ninja he had punched into the tree and grabbed the front of his shirt and pulling him off the ground. 

"Who are you!?" Sasuke asked, verbal poison dripping in his tone. The guy let out a small chuckle, spitting out a small puddle of blood. 

"I don't think you should worry so much about who we are. You should worry more about that blonde demon you care so much about!!" the guy chocked out as he passed out in Sasuke's grip. Just as Sasuke set him down there was a familiar scream that caused Sasuke's blood to freeze. Quickly spinning towards the scream, Sasuke sunk to his knees at the sight. 

Naruto, the number one hyperactive ninja, was flung to the ground with multiple kunai shoved into him abdomen. Blood stained his bright orange clad outfit and matted his brilliant blonde hair to his now bare forehead. He was then picked back up by the "leader" and flung over his shoulder, from here Sasuke could see how limp Naruto's body had gone and how he was clearly lost consciousness not too long before. 

"Naruto!!" Now Sasuke screams filled the air. Standing up on shaky legs, Sasuke started to run to the blonde. Tears filling his deep black, onyx eyes as he reached the enemy and slammed him fist into his face, his shoulder, then his knee. Causing the killer of Sasuke's beloved blonde to collapse to the ground, throwing the blonde away in the process. Sasuke straddled the enemy and punched his face, again and again and again. Blood splattering his clothes and the grass and gravel surrounding them. Tears now falling down Sasuke's face as he continued to punch the attacker. 

"Why!? Why him!? What did HE do to YOU!? ANSWER ME!! GODDAMMIT! WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM! WHY!!!!" Sasuke screamed into the man's face. Tears now pooling out of Sasuke's onyx eyes. 

"He killed my family, my wife, my two little girls. My parents, my sister.. and for what? Because he when on a rampage? Bullshit, he mercilessly killed all of my family, so I mercilessly killed him. To avenge MY family and their beau--" The man chocked on his own blood. He started to drown and died there his violet eyes glaring at Sasuke until they grew lifeless, and relentlessly closed. 

Breathing heavily Sasuke laid down the body and stood up. Standing there until Kakashi came and put a hand on the small Uchiha's shoulder, shoving his hand away, Sasuke growled "Don't. Touch. Me..." as he stalked over to Naruto's already healing body, Sakura had already pulled out all of the kunai and used her medical Ninjutsu to try and heal him. Sasuke stood there and stared at Naruto's bare chest, covered in blood and healing gashes. The raven couldn't help but blame himself for Naruto being in the state he was in. 'I promised I would protect him... and now look what happened... I'm a failure.' Sasuke thought as he collapsed to the ground. 

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