[P. 1] Forbidden Love - (She/Her)

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Idea: "I guess you could do like a sorta forbidden love with Ponyboy and a sophisticated woman.(soc)"

Suggested By:  Paid24

Y'all's Ages: 14

(Johnny and Dally are alive in this but it happened after the movie) 

Your POV:

I was a soc. Not a mean one though. And, one day in school I was assigned a greaser as a lab partner. This greaser was Ponyboy Curtis. He had this blonde, greased back hair (like most greasers) and he wore this grayish/purplish sweatshirt. That day I fell in love.

That was about 5 months ago. Now Pony and I are dating. But here's the thing: it's not aloud. I asked Cherry once and she said it would be inappropriate and that it would ruin my reputation. I told Pony about what she said and that I didn't care about my reputation. 

He said, "But I do care. I don't want you to start getting jumped because of me. I mean, you're probably already getting made fun of because I am your lab partner."

"That's true. I guess we just keep it a secret." I told him.

Right now we were at a diner sharing a shake. This diner was a kinda unpopular one so we didn't risk running into anyone. 

"Don't you wish we could just be open about our relationship?" I ask him while tracing the lines on his palm. 

"I do. I really do." He says, "But we can't because you'll get hurt." 

"I mean I could always just carry a switchblade on me for safety." I told him, raising both of my eyebrows.

"Why didn't you come up with that 5 months ago?!" He turns to me entirely.

"I did!" I said facing him too, "I just didn't tell you..." I lowered my voice. 

"Why?" He whispered.

"I thought it was a dumb idea." I told him in embarrassment. 

"No idea you have is dumb, sweetness." He said lifting my chin with his index finger and kissing my lips softly. I could feel my face heating up after. 

"We'll tell everyone that we're together, tomorrow." He smiled at me. "Right after we buy you a blade." He laughed and I laughed along with him.

The next day we told his gang and some of my soc friends. So far I've been called some names, and have been pushed and/or hit in the halls at school but never jumped. It doesn't matter anyway because the bruises are all worth it. They're all worth the love I receive from my beloved boyfriend, Ponyboy Curtis.

This was not a very good one (and its also kinda short), sorry !! but yeah whatever 
goodbye fellow nerds !


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