Bittersweet Desert

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The time for dinner had arrived, and almost every madrigal, except for alma, camilo, and (Y/n) where scared of what was going to happen. Sure (Y/n) and camilo where nervous, but neither of them knew how strongly camilos abuela felt about a relationship like theirs. So when everybody sat at the table, they looked at eachother nervously, hoping that (Y/n) and camilo had changed their minds last minute, and dolores just overheard them. It was a silly thought, though it's that thought that kept them from having a collective panic attack. They had gone through starter, and the main course, it was now time for desert.
"Everybody, (Y/n) and me have something to tell you guys." Camilo started, making everyone but alma tense up. "What is it?" Alma asked curiously. "Well, you all know how me and camilo have been getting a lot closer lately." (Y/n) started, waiting for camilo to finish. "Well, (Y/n) and me are dating, we have been for a month now." (Y/n) and camilo looked around the table nervously, though everybody seemed accepting, and gradulated them on their relationship. Until alma spoke up. "Why are you happy about this?" She asked agitated, confusing and scaring camilo and (Y/n). "Why wouldn't we be? Their in a happy relationship if course I'll be happy for mi bebé." Pepa said just as agitated. "You do realize that what they are doing is a sin?" Alma asked. (Y/n) was mad at her before, but now he was just fuming. Camilo was made aware of this by (Y/n)'s raising body temperature, he knew what this meant and told everybody to stay away from him, the others where confused but when they saw the pleading yet angry look in (Y/n)'s eyes they listened and backed up. "Finally you get away from him, how dare you make my nieto gay?!" She scolded (Y/n), sounding angrier than she ever did, and (Y/n) looked angrier than he ever did. "How dare I?" He asked, body temperature still rising, worrying camilo of what will eventually happen. "You should ask that yourself." He spat with such hatred in his voice. "Don't you dare talk back at me young man." "But that's how conversation work, don't they?" (Y/n) interrupted her, speaking with sarcasm. "Not if your talking to a f(slur)." She said with a smug grin. Everyone gasped at her words, and camilo started tearing up. As (Y/n) saw that, that's when the camels back broke. "Don't you EVER say that again you disgusting old hag!" (Y/n) yelled as loud as his lungs let him, bursting into flames. Camilos family now understood the warning from earlier, and just watched with wide eyes. "What a fitting 'gift' for a sinner like you." She spat, making that flames surrounding (Y/n) hotter, almost turning blue. "Whatever happen to you to make you achieve it, you deserved." She said with no remorse, leaning into (Y/n). His and camilos eyes widend, and now not only (Y/n) but camilo where absolutely furious, though camilo kept quiet knowing (Y/n) could handle this himself. "If I deserved what happend to me, then you deserved worse." (Y/n) spat back at her with even more venom in his voice than before. Alma gasped, tearing up a little."Seriously? So you can dish out all you want, but as soon as someone says something just a little bit insulting, you start crying?" Camilo suddenly spoke up, making everyone look at him. (Y/n)'s flames calmed down a little after hearing camilos voice.

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