Chapter 23 : I Love You

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Jungwon quickly bent down and gave him a hug. "You're none of that!" He said, stroking his back to comfort him.

"I am hyung, you don't have to lie to me..."

"You're not, you trust me don't you? I'm telling you, you're not any of that. You're amazing, smart, talented and I don't hate you! You shouldn't hate yourself either!"

"I am, hyung! I am!" Riki exclaimed pushing Jungwon away.

"You're not Riki, you're truly amazing. That's why I love you so much."

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better..."

"But I'm not, i really do love you. You're the only one i ever felt like that about, you're my first love. I was so confused, but i thought it through and i know, i love you." Jungwon said calmly, and proud.


"It's true Riki." Jungwon said, slowly moving towards Riki and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Riki slides his hand onto Jungwon's, "Hyung, I love you too. Whatever you do to me I don't care, as long as you don't leave me." He said, not looking at Jungwon.

"I won't. Until I don't love you anymore, I won't." Jungwon responded.

"Then i'll have to work hard to make you love me for a long long time!" Riki said with a faint smile on his face as he hugged Jungwon waist, giving him a light bonk, requesting for head pats.

Jungwon understood him and gives him what he wants.

Playing with his hair, "Are you feeling better now? Ready to go back to class?"

"5 more minutes hyung," pouted the latter.

"You're an hour late, no 5 minutes this time, i'll give you the 5 minutes after school. Be a good boy Ki."

"Okay." He stood up with some support from Jungwon, pouting harder. "I'll be a good boy and go to class, but you owe me 10 minutes of hugs instead!"

"Okay okay, anything my boy wants." Jungwon giggled, tiptoed and gave the younger a pat on the head.

Riki happily waddles back to class, leaving a smile on Jungwon's face who watched him leave.


Class ended quickly for them, since by the time they returned to class, there was only an hour of class left for them.

Riki couldn't pay attention in class at all, all he had in mind was his hyung, the words he told him earlier and the 10 minutes of hugs he would get from him after school. Riki has already packed his bag and as soon as the teacher dismisses them, he dashed out of class.

His plan was that he would get there early and wait for Jungwon outside of his class with a cup of iced tea he bought. Yet things don't always go as planned.

Although he was fast, he wasn't fast enough. He got to Jungwon's class with the iced tea but only to see a dark and empty classroom.

"They must have left early. My 10 minutes." He told himself sadly, missing his hyung.

He sighed, turned around and left but stopped when he felt someone hug him from the back. He was confused but he couldn't move at all since the person was hugging him tight. He couldn't confirm it, but he guessed it was Jungwon so he decided to play along.

"Don't move." A deep voice said.


"I'm a scary monster, i'll bite you if you move!"

"Bite me then." The younger said, receiving a little bite on his arm.

"Nom nom," Jungwon giggled.

"Am I yummy?"

"Needs some seasoning."

"I'll go marinate myself in the bathtub tonight."

"Yay!" Jungwon said, making Riki laugh.

Jungwon lets go of Riki and clinged onto his arm.
"You didn't wait for me hmph, you were going to leave."

"I thought you left already and was just getting sad that you didn't wait for me."

"I did! I just went to the bathroom!" Said Jungwon.

"Ohhh, can i get my 10 minutes now hyung?"

"Maybe we can go somewhere with less people?" Jungwon suggested

"The school garden? Your favourite place!"


They walked side by side, with Jungwon hugging Riki's arm.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" Asked Riki.

"Which of what i said earlier?"

"That you love me."

"I do love you, a lot too." Jungwon said, assuring him.

"As a friend? Or a lover?"

Jungwon stops in the tracks, making Riki feel tensed. Jungwon held his face and squished his cheeks.

"Aiguuu~ you're so cute hm?"

"Eunggg hyung..."

"Of course i love you as a" Jungwon said, stopping mid-sentence

"As a what?" The younger questioned.

"Both. I love you, as everything ever." Jungwon said with a proud smile on his face, making Riki look up with a broad grin. "Let's get going now, you need to get your 10 minutes." Jungwon added.

"Yes! Let's go!" Riki said, dragging Jungwon to the garden and finding an empty bench.

"Can i rest on your lap hyung?"

"Sure, for as long as you'd like." Jungwon said, and Riki laid down on his lap, looking up at him, receiving gentle pats from his hyung.

"I love you hyung."

"I love you too," Jungwon responded.

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