Chapter 9 : Forever Love

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Riki soon found out about Sunoo as he saw Mrs Kim's text message to Mrs Park about it. He wanted to go to the hospital but he didn't know how to tell his parents. He knew they were disappointed in him and Sunoo's parents probably hates him by now.

The next morning, Mrs Park woke up to the sound of the doorbell. She went to open the door to see three suited up police officers.
"Good morning ma'am, we are from the CID and we are looking for a Nishimura Riki." The officer said
"Please, come in. He's asleep right now but may i know what is the problem?" Mrs Park asked.

"We have received a report from the hospital that a patient named Kim Sunoo passed away after having been stabbed and after a conversation we know that the person who did the act was the boy named Riki." The officer explained.

"Is everything going to be okay? Will he be fine? He didn't do it intentionally! He has some mental health issues from abuse he got from his biological parents!" Mrs Park tried to plead with the officers.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I can't guarantee what will happen. We will need to take your son in for questioning. We don't have time to waste, please send your son out." The officer instructed her.

Mrs Park quickly went to wake the young boy up. Confused, he followed her out in his pyjamas as he got sent off with the police in the police car. He cried, watching the car drive away from his house. He wanted to get out, he screamed loudly as tears flow down his face. "They don't want me anymore. It's all my fault. I killed Sunoo hyung and now mama papa doesn't love me anymore." He kept crying, staring down at his hands.

The police tried to question him at the station but all they receive was the sounds of Riki sobbing. Because they couldn't get answers from Riki, he has to come back tomorrow. The police hopes for his family to persuade him to open up about the situation.

Mr and Mrs Park, along with Jay, were at the station all day, waiting to pick Riki up.

Riki quietly follows the officer out of the room, not sure where he's being led to. A smile appeared on his face as soon as he sees his family. He was so happy but so confused. Nevertheless, the ran into their arms.

"Oh i missed you so much my precious. Everything is going to be okay!" Mrs Park said.

"Mama.. papa.." Riki said grasping the attention of his parents.
"Will you not love me anymore? Are you going to throw me out?" He asked causing his mother to break down into tears, hugging him tight.

"Of course not! I'll forever love you and you'll forever be my lovely son." She said.

"Yea! We'll always be family no matter what happens!" Jay adds.

Riki quietly nods and snuggle into Mrs Park's chest.

In no time, Riki was sent to court. His parents found a good lawyer and pleaded for his case. Due to his young age, mental health and unintentional behaviour, he was sent to boys' home for 6 months.

Although it may seem like a short time but to Riki and his family, it felt like eternity. He was lonely in there, the boys there were far different from him so he found it hard to interact with any of them. Most of them had tattoos, were buff and were older than him, with the minority of otherwise.

He was all alone, in his bed, staring at the moonlight that shone through from the window.

"We should send him away before he goes into a boys home, if that happens he will be much more of a disgrace to our family!" He remembered what his biological mother said.

"She was right... I ended up here. I'm such a disgrace to the family." He thought to himself, but the family he thought of here was the family that loves him, the one that supports, care and makes sacrifices for him.

He considered running away after he got out. He didn't want to cause the family to be humiliated because of him.

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