18 - end.

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[soyeon's pov]:

5 months later.

So, Yuqi and I went to Paris.

We haven't exchanged a single word about the night we ran away, and we've both chosen to forget about it. I hope she has, cause I sure haven't. Nor have I forgotten about everything and everyone I left behind, and the fact that I can't contact any of them has been driving me crazy for the past five months. I haven't heard from Shuhua and I couldn't remember her phone number, and no matter how much digging I did, I didn't manage to find any of her social media or anything. I haven't talked to Soojin, obviously. Or Miyeon, or Minnie, which I've been paranoid of somehow showing up behind me one day. And, I hadn't talked to Olivia even before Yuqi and I left. I'm surprised she hasn't found me already, or maybe Minnie just hasn't told her that I just "disappeared" with all her money. Well, I guess one day I'll see her again. Olivia goes to really weird lengths to get what she's longing for, and that's all the money I used for the hotel in Jeju, the flight to Paris, our new phones, our new clothes, our new apartment, our new dog, our new car, everything. Oh, and our new studio.

Ever since we came here, Yuqi and I have been living a really...let's say wild life. By wild, I mean almost never being home. We're always at the studio, at night we usually go to clubs, we literally eat all that money up day by day, stuff like that. We've established a name for ourselves and we've released a few songs. We've also gotten to work with a lot of different and useful people, that we've paid really well. And we get a friend to dogsit for us.

.   .   .

As always, after a long day at the studio, Yuqi and I always go to a club or something. Paris has really fun ones with good music and not some cringy EDM stuff. We chose to go to our favorite one, because it had the best music out of all the ones we've been to, and comfy places to make out on.

We arrived, and the waiters greeted us with a smile, because we always went there.

"The usual." Yuqi said as we sat by the counter. The waiters handed us each a bottle of whiskey, and we started to drink. We left the counter and took our drinks to a table with a couch. Yuqi gets drunk really easily, so she was out of it pretty quickly. She rested her head on my chest and I kept looking around the club while finishing my drink. Suddenly, among the crowd of people in front of us, I saw a girl enter, and by what I could see that wasn't blocked by the other people, she looked oddly familiar. Minnie.

It can't fucking be her.

Everyone looks like Minnie to me nowadays.

But she was tall and thin, had black hair that was slightly longer than Minnie's the last time I saw her, but I couldn't see her face. Her bangs were long, and from the distance her hair and black mask covered her face. She wore a long, baggy black hoodie and black sweatpants, and before I could see her the girl turned her back on me. Then, Yuqi sat on my lap, and we slowly started making out, as per usual.

"Wait," Yuqi mumbled after a bit. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Of course." I said. Our make out sessions in clubs are always interrupted by this. She grabbed my hand and we pushed past the people in the crowd to get to the bathroom. We walked in, closed the door behind us, then Yuqi walked into a stall. I waited for her by the sinks, and as I was looking around, a small envelope on the last sink counter caught my eye. I moved closer out of curiosity, held it in my hand then flipped it around. In a familiar handwriting, "burn this for me" was written on the back of it. I struggled to open it as it was glued shut really well, but as I did, the door to the bathroom opened, and I heard someone walk in.

Minnie's ID card.

I felt a presence right behind me, and turned around. She was there. Minnie took her mask off as our eyes met, and smiled faintly at me.

.  .  .

I placed her ID card on the wet grass and lit the match Minnie gave me. The card caught fire slowly, and I could see a faint smirk form on her lips.

"I don't go by Minnie anymore. And don't use my real name either." She said.

"Okay." I replied simply as the fire grew. I heard the door to Yuqi's stall open from outside and her footsteps. She slowly walked to the open window, and held on to the bars.


I looked up at her. Nothing was said, and nothing needed to be said, because Yuqi had long forgotten about everything, including her.

A simple smile exchanged between the three of us was enough.

For now.

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