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Soyeon and I attended our final lecture of the day, but obviously, didn't take any notes. Just talked. We walked out of the lecture hall together, with Olivia following behind us. That's when I remembered that I was invited to her house to meet a friend of hers. As we exited the building, there was a black car parked nearby, then I saw Shuhua roll down the window and yell loudly.


Soyeon turned to look at me.

"And that's my cue to leave."

"Wait!" I called as she was about to run to Shuhua who seemed to be waiting impatiently. "I had a lot of fun today."

"I'm glad. I did too." Soyeon said then waved at me and left. Both she and Shuhua seemed to be in a rush for something, but I didn't ask. Olivia then approached me.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Is your house really far away?"

"Um...no. Don't worry." Olivia said, then gestured for me to start walking alongside her. "So tell me, how's it like hanging out with her?"

I smiled. "Really fun. Soyeon is really fun to be around."

"And what about last night?"

"Last night?" I repeated. "Well I got to know she smells really good...?" I said nervously, remembering our long hug.

"How do you not remember your first actual interaction with your crush?" Olivia asked. "Also, why did you sound so weird when you called me this morning?"

"Can we talk about it at your house? Which, speaking of, are we there yet?" I asked.

"No, we aren't. And we're not gonna be there for a while so let's get something to drink on the way," Olivia said, stopping by the same coffee shop where Soyeon and I bought our ice chocos earlier. I waited outside and told Olivia to just get me whatever she was getting. The sun at this hour is really hurting my eyes, and I don't know for how much longer I can walk because it's kinda hot out here.

I kept thinking about what Soyeon told me today. She's dated a lot of people, so it makes sense how she has such an easy looking idea about all this. "Just leave." I can't. I fucking can't but I sure wish I could. I wish it could be that easy.

And another thing I forgot to ask Soyeon; does she know Minnie? Cause Minnie sure knows her, and refused to tell me how.

"Here you go," Olivia said, handing me my drink. She got us cappuccinos, basic as fuck but still good I guess.


The whole way to Olivia's house was filled with silence between us. I guess she could tell I was way too lost in my thoughts and chose not to bother me, which I hope was the case.

Her house was big. Really big. It looked very luxurious and modern from the outside, and I guessed it was even more luxurious and modern inside. Olivia rang the doorbell, expecting her friend to open the door, but no answer.

"Soojin!" She called. Still no answer. I just stood there and watched as Olivia took out her keys and opened the door herself. She kept calling for Soojin, but Soojin wasn't here. Olivia guided me to her room and I walked while looking around the fancy place she had all to herself. Her room was very, very cool and comfy too.

"I have no idea where the fuck this girl has gone, she should be here soon then." Olivia said.

"Oh it's fine, I can wait." I said. "Why do you want me to meet her though?"

Olivia chuckled. "Soojin is the one who gave me Soyeon's number back in summer. The two are really close friends."

My eyes lit up and I smiled. Olivia smiled back at me. "Listen, Yuqi. I can tell you know literally nothing about how to lure someone in and make someone fall for you, so Soojin and I should help. Soyeon's hard to please."

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