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[soyeon's pov]:

~ time skip, one day.

I managed to leave the house without Yuqi asking too many questions.

I got on the elevator, and saw Soojin had already texted me, so I assumed she would be waiting outside the building. And as always, she was there, dressed in a rather suspicious baggy black outfit, and she also had the hood of the hoodie lifted...?

"Hey." She said as I walked outside.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"Shuhua might see me." Soojin replied.

"And? She knows we're friends." I said.

"She'll ask me if I'm cheating and start to lose faith in me."

I don't even understand how Soojin and Shuhua can keep their relationship going like this when they literally don't trust each other at all. I did want them to date, I just didn't expect it to go like this. I thought maybe they'd trust each other a bit more.

"Fine. Get in the car." I said. Soojin nodded with a faint smile and got in the front passenger's seat. She finally took her hood off and let out a sigh of relief.

"You seem really stressed." I said.

"I am. My body hurts, I'll leave it up to you to guess which parts." Soojin replied.

I gave her a weird look.

"And you didn't expect that to happen? Yuqi and I barely get any sleep because of you two." I said, then started driving.

"Sorry, I guess. How do I tell her I need a break?"

I sighed. "Lie."


"Then don't ask me."

I could tell Soojin wanted to laugh, but she held it in and stayed silent, so I decided to continue.

"I mean just tell her you're meeting your sister or something. Or an old friend you haven't seen in a while. She should understand."

"Soyeon. Shuhua acts differently with you and differently with me. She won't understand." Soojin replied.

"I know that. But it won't hurt to at least try to lie to her once. Or maybe twice, if you need to."

"I can't. It will hurt."

She's reminding me so much of Minnie right now. The same stubbornness. Neither of them listen to my advice, even though they badly need it.

After a bit of small talk and driving, Soojin and I arrived at this coffee shop she wanted to take me to. The place was really big and it seemed really fancy inside. The walls were painted dark green and all the chairs were wooden and the tables all had fancy colored cloths over them. Why is Soojin so keen on bringing me, of all people, here? I guess I'll find out.

She guided me to a far corner of the whole café, which I feel like made us look weird enough, considering her outfit aswell. Soojin then left her bag on one of the chairs, and as I was spacing out, she removed my small bag hanging from my shoulders and placed it next to hers. But we didn't sit down yet. Or at least, she didn't.

"Wait here." She said and ran to what I assumed was the bathroom. Soojin seems like she knows this place really well. I stared at the wall behind the chair she was supposed to sit on for a bit, then I saw Soojin came back with her hoodie in her hands, wearing a black, tight crop top.

I looked at her weirdly. "What the actual fuck?"

"I'm becoming paranoid, okay?"

Soojin ran her hands down her torso to make sure her top was okay, then looked up at me.

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