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I opened my eyes to see it had already gotten dark out. The bar was now full of people, unlike a few hours ago when there were about 8 people here in total including me. All I can remember from the past hours is drinking and throwing up, then I must've fallen asleep because now it's suddenly nighttime. I looked around me for a bit, and thankfully, nobody was giving me weird looks. I'm assuming it's like 9 pm or something because the huge amount of people surrounding me are mostly drunk already. I turn to my right and see a waitress approaching me.

"Hi um...you've been here for hours. Are you okay?"

Her voice is so fucking annoying. I don't have the nerves to listen to her right now.

"I'm fine. What time is it?"

She looked at the expensive watch on her wrist.

"9:30 pm." She answered with a smile. I managed to sit up on the chair I was on then got up while feeling dizzy. I looked at my reflection on the glass of the window, rubbed my eyes with my sleeve so my smeared mascara would go away, and walked out of the bar.

I wasn't planning on going back home. I'd much rather find a quiet spot or something and just go home at midnight, when Minnie's most likely asleep. I checked my phone only to see a dozen missed calls from Miyeon and lots of texts. I didn't look at them, I just called Miyeon.

"Okay where the fuck have you been?!" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"At like...a bar or something." I replied. "Do you know any quiet places nearby?"

"Where the fuck are you? Where is nearby for you now?"

"Miyeon I don't fucking know I've had a lot to drink," I said. "Just tell me a place with no people around and I'll go there."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come pick you up?"


Miyeon paused for a bit, while I just kept walking in a random direction as I have no idea how I got here or the way back home. I don't remember and I really don't know where the fuck I am but...at least there's people around here?

"Send me your location and I'll call you back," Miyeon finally said and hung up. I sighed and leaned against the wall of an apartment building. I stared at the people walking past me for a bit, then looked down at my phone again. I sent Miyeon my location, she read it, then called me back really quickly. As my phone nearly fell off my hands, I slid my thumb a couple of times in order to answer, and I finally succeeded.

"Perfect!" Miyeon exclaimed, making me feel more confused than I already am. "Just walk straight ahead until you start to see no buildings and people and arrive at a lonely bench by the edge of a low cliff thingy."

I started to walk again, not saying anything as I processed whatever the fuck Miyeon just told me.

"Lonely bench by the edge of a cliff..." I repeated to myself. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Have fun." Miyeon said. I can picture her smiling on the other end of the line. We hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. My mind dwelled on why Miyeon said "have fun". Frankly, I'm not looking for a place to have fun. Just a quiet place, where I could maybe listen to some music or something and just be alone with my thoughts.


Considering how much I drank back there, it took me quite a while to walk to the place Miyeon directed me to, even though once I arrived it didn't actually seem like it was that far away. On the way there, I saw I had texts from Miyeon, obviously, Minnie and Olivia too. But I couldn't even keep my head down for too long or I'd feel really dizzy. I lowkey expected Miyeon to be waiting for me there or something to surprise me, hence her saying "have fun", but I guess I thought too much about it, as always. I was completely alone there, just like I wanted to be.

rises the moon // yuyeon.Where stories live. Discover now