Save the Last One

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No One's POV:

Frank stares at his quiet sister and his sleeping niece with a protective look. If only he had cut bait then his niece and nephew wouldn't have been hurt.

   Callie runs her hand gently through Emma's hair as she looks over her daughter's features that's the perfect mixture of both Amy and her.

   She looks up seeing her brother staring at them with a protective look making Callie smile to herself. "I'm uh, I'm gonna go check on Carl and I'll let you know," Frank announced getting up from his spot on the floor next to his niece.

  "Okay," Callie quietly responds watching him leave the room before she turns back to look at her daughter. She leans forward and softly kisses her forehead.

A soft knock made Callie look up seeing Maggie coming in quietly. "I figured you might be hungry so uh I made you a sandwich and got you some orange juice," she says quietly and walks over carrying a plate and a cup of juice.

"Thank you, Maggie," Callie says grabbing the plate and cup before setting the cup on the small dresser that's next to the bed. Maggie smile's slightly and moves around the bed to check on Emma.

"How's Carl doing?" Callie asks picking up her sandwich and took a bite out of it. She chews and waits for an answer.

  "He needs more blood transfusions because his brain isn't getting enough oxygen. If your brother and Otis don't get here soon with the medical equipment then Carl may sadly pass away," Maggie sadly tells her feeling bad for the little boy.

  Callie's breath hitched and in the process she chokes a little on the bite making Maggie look at her alarmed. She moves around the bed quickly and starts patting Callie's back gently.

  Callie grabs the cup and starts chugging it quickly to help. "Uh, thank you. Sorry for that. What kind of blood does he need?" She clears her throat and asks setting the cup down.

"A-Positive. Good thing his dad is the same but we already took too many pints from him. If we take anymore, his body could shut down and he can go in a coma," Maggie explains making Callie frown sadly.

She looks down at her daughter and pushes Emma's hair out of her face before looking at Maggie with a determined face.

  "I have the same blood type. I can give him some if he needs more but can I do it here? I really don't want to leave my daughter alone," Callie says gesturing to her still passed out baby girl.

   Maggie nods with a sympathetic smile. "Hold on. Let me go check," she tells her and walks out of the room to go talk to her dad. Callie looks back at her daughter seeing her lips twitch up slightly making her wonder what she's dreaming about.

Emma's POV:

  I smile up at mommy and swing our hands together making her laugh. "You're mommy's brave girl," she tells me as she stops us and kneels down in front of me with a soft smile.

I blush and she giggles slightly. "Is it time to go back now?" I question softly, tightening my hold on her hands. Mommy picks me up with a sad smile and holds me close.

"Yes but don't worry, angel, you'll see me in your dreams. Just know that I'm watching over you, your uncles, and especially your momma, okay? I love you so much, my sweet angel. So so so much," mommy says pressing a kiss on my forehead for a long time while squeezing me tightly.

I hold onto her shirt tightly and move around so mommy's holding onto me like I'm a baby still making her smile down at me. "Sing me my song pwease, mommy," I softly tell her and she stands up holding me.

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