Poetry 3 - Moo Moo

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This poem is dedicated to my stuffed animal, Mr. Moo Moo, whom I've had since I was a baby. I quite like this one. Enjoy :)


Moo Moo

My cow with black spots,

Worn down by the years

Once a vibrant white

Now faded into a dull grey,

Rain clouds that roll in on a summer's day.

His joints are thin like paper

A book, read and used over time,

Stories that piled up over eighteen years

With tales of love and tales of sorrow,

And a new chapter that could be written tomorrow.

The most worn down area is his neck,

Where a young me had hugged it

Time and time again

With one wrong move, he could unravel

Like a ball of yarn until he is no more

That thought alone makes my heart sore.

His name is Moo Moo,

and he is my best friend

We've been through everything together

And he has made my life so much better.

He has been loved

And will continue to be.

Moo Moo and me. 

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