Dialogue Story

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A/N: I had to write a story that was heavy on dialogue for my creative writing class. We also had to write up a quick paragraph for each main character so people got a sense of their personality, so I will also be including that. I kind of wrote this all in like 2 sittings lmao Anyway, I had fun with this one. Enjoy :)


Character Paragraphs:

Christopher Muller, better known as Mr. Muller by his students, is a history teacher in his late twenties. He's been working at Ryleigh Bright High School ever since he graduated from college, teaching European history to students that barely seem to care. Every day, Christopher shows up to school in a suit, severely overdressed in comparison to the other teachers. Given his uptight nature, he's earned himself the nickname Mr. Robot, but it is a name that Christopher despises. As someone who won't even let his friends and colleagues call him Chris, the nicknames really irk him, as he is a firm believer in staying professional. One teacher in particular, though, just doesn't seem to get it because she is always calling him Chris, no matter how many times he tells her not to. That teacher just so happens to be the woman he has to endure a plane ride with, all the way to France for a senior trip. It is a trip that Christopher really isn't looking forward to; in his opinion, airplanes are nothing but a cesspool of germs. Combining that with rowdy teenagers and a French teacher that doesn't know how to be quiet... he's in for an awful time.

Chanel Cutler is another teacher at Ryleigh Bright High School, but most students refer to her as Madame Chanel. This is only her second year teaching, so she's a bit disorganized, much in contrast to Mr. Muller, the one teacher that she has a particular interest in. While Christopher is more of the quiet type, Chanel loves to talk. She's all for having fun, loving to shop and always down to socialize. With her bright pink hair and vibrant clothes, students can see her from all the way down the hall, but instead of getting nervous like the students do when they see Christopher, the teens would smile and greet her with a wave. Having been born in France, Chanel is beyond excited to be going there for the senior trip, and even more excited because Chris is coming with her. Despite what Chris may say, Chanel knows that they're friends; they have to be. After all, he always listens to what she has to say, and that's what friends do, right?


The midsummer sun was beating down on the Ryleigh Bright High School class of 2021 as they stepped off the bus that they had been riding in for the past hour. The building the bus had stopped in front of was none other than the airport, and despite the intense heat, the students all seemed rather cheerful; they had great reason to be, for today marked the first day of their senior trip. The students would be spending two weeks in Europe, starting in France, which meant they'd be on a plane for at least 13 hours. Now, a small group of teenagers on a plane was bad enough, but try having about forty of them in one place for that long.

Christopher Muller, better known as Mr. Muller by his students, was already dreading the flight. He could hardly keep control of his students in the classroom, so how was he meant to keep things in line on a plane? Not to mention he'd be sitting next to the most talkative teacher at Bright High, Madame Chanel; all he wanted was to relax on the plane before the true chaos of the trip began, but he was starting to realize that this wasn't going to happen. He shouldn't have been surprised, though. The European history and the French teachers both being paired up for a senior trip to Europe made sense, so he should have known he'd end up sitting with Chanel.

The walk through the airport was brief, and before Christopher knew it, everyone was boarding the plane. Up ahead, he could see the familiar pink hair of Chanel. It seemed that she had already taken the window seat. Sighing, Christopher walked over to the teacher and the empty seat beside her. Before he sat down, though, he reached into his carry-on and pulled out a wet wipe, using it to wipe off his seat and the armrests. Then, he took a handkerchief from his pocket and dried everything off, finally turning and taking a seat.

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