Another Charlie Chapter

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A/N: Okay, this story is something I wrote a few months ago, and it is unfinished, but I still feel like I should post it lol. This story is based off of a collaboration I had with some of my writing buddies. In order to understand this story, here's some background info:

"Viktrof" is a medical company that secretly performs experiments on people, trying to figure out how to give people superhuman abilities.

Milo is Charlie's boyfriend, and he is also the head of the powerful Lutz mafia (Lutz is Milo's last name).

Also, I know Charlie was with a girl in the last story, but he is gay. I wrote about him being in love with a girl because that last story was an assignment for school and I was nervous lol I hope that makes sense. Anyway, from here on out, if he has a love interest, it'll be a guy. I write about Charlie a lot, so I will probably give you information about him as a character in a future post. 

**ALSO THIS STORY WAS LEFT UNFINISHED!!** If you're interested in me finishing it at some point, please let me know and I'll continue it!

Now, enjoy :) Sorry if this story confuses anyone! There's a lot of background info behind it. 


 The air was still as the men at the table laid down their cards- a final gamble that put a dangerous amount of money on the line. All was silent until one of the wealthier men placed down his hand: a straight flush. Upon seeing his cards, many of the men grumbled curses, but one man out of the bunch barely seemed phased. In fact, this guy was smiling.

"'Ate to break it to ya, mate, but I believe I win," the smiling man said, british accent heavy and made worse by the drinking the men had been doing during their gambles. At his words, the male laid down his own hand, showing off his royal flush.

Once again, the room fell into silence, this time due to the shock of the win. After a beat, however, the table turned to an uproar. "You're a fucking cheater, Charlie Cromwell!" one of the other men shouted, followed by a string of several more insults, but the british man, Charlie, was barely listening. Chuckling, he collected all of the cash on the table, beginning to shove it all into the pockets of his slacks. He was already looking forward to getting home, wanting to tell Milo all about his lucky win, about how he had beaten some of the higher-up employees from Viktrof of all companies.

Though, his actions soon caught the attention of another one of the men, and Cromwell suddenly felt a tight grip around his arm.

"Hold on, he really was cheating!"

The man holding his arm was then reaching into Charlie's pocket, pulling out his lucky card, his ace of hearts. Realizing how bad that probably looked, Charlie's heart sunk in his chest, and he quickly yanked his arm away, trying to snatch his lucky card back.

"I wasn't cheatin','' Charlie said defensively, growing frustrated as his lucky card was held out of his reach; that card meant a lot to him. Another one of the men then took the card, and soon enough it seemed that it was just being passed around. With each passing of the card, Charlie felt the tension in the air grow, since more and more men came to the belief that Charlie really was a cheater. "I'm not bloody jokin'. It's just my lucky card, that's all. I'm a fair gambla." Based on all of the judgemental stares, it was clear that the men were not buying Charlie's story.

Charlie Cromwell - the man born in the slums of London, kicked out of his home, living on the streets until being fortunate enough to meet Milo Lutz, thus kick starting his new life in the Lutz mafia. He had worked his way up and gotten himself the best boyfriend he could ask for - hell, they were talking about getting married at this point. The two ruled over Vegas together, and many tales of Charlie's suspiciously lucky gambles had been spreading as of late.

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